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well well FUCKKKING WELL, back with another one, but who are we looking at today? another 3 pedos from the FBI website, why not?

 )\ )                           
(()/(   (     )                 
 /(_)) ))\ ( /(  (    (    (    
(_))  /((_))(_)) )\   )\   )\ ) 
| _ \(_)) ((_)_ ((_) ((_) _(_/( 
|   // -_)/ _` |(_-</ _ \| ' \))
why not?
Pedos are sick degenerates
  *   )                            )     _ _       ) 
` )  /(    )  (    (  (     (   ( /(   _| | |_  ( /( 
 ( )(_))( /(  )(   )\))(   ))\  )\()) |_  .  _| )\())
(_(_()) )(_))(()\ ((_))\  /((_)(_))/  |_     _|((_)\ 
|_   _|((_)_  ((_) (()(_)(_))  | |_     |_|_|   / (_)
  | |  / _` || '_|/ _` | / -_) |  _|            | |  
  |_|  \__,_||_|  \__, | \___|  \__|            |_|  
Age: 25
Date(s) of Birth Used: April 6, 1998
Place of Birth: Texas
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 250 pounds
Sex: Female
Race: White
Nationality: American
Languages: English, Spanish
Ugly ass face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1211559125595459654/1211562673590771712/preview.png?ex=65eea6ab&is=65dc31ab&hm=d76b2cae93857c59e29f916ef34618fc74ec259a5405dd2984aa441b81b98ac5&
Home Address: 4723 Falcon Forest Dr, Humble, TX
Zip Code: 77346-2464
Associates: (Friends, Roomates)
Sergio Reyes: Age 26
Bobby Crippen: Age 69
Charmaine McMillen: Age 43
Chase Galloway: Age 35
Curtis Tobey: Age 41
Douglas King: Age 79
Jennifer Tobey: Age 41
Miguel Arredondo: Age 41
Raymond Sopchak: Age 58
Ronald Murray: Age 37
Roxanne Ditta; Age 67
Stacey Berry: Age 49
Stacie Perry: Age 49
Tillman Stevens: Age 35
CRIMES: Aiding and Abetting Kidnapping
(thats the most info i can find)
  *   )                            )     _ _       ) 
` )  /(    )  (    (  (     (   ( /(   _| | |_  ( /( 
 ( )(_))( /(  )(   )\))(   ))\  )\()) |_  .  _| )(_))
(_(_()) )(_))(()\ ((_))\  /((_)(_))/  |_     _|((_)  
|_   _|((_)_  ((_) (()(_)(_))  | |_     |_|_|  |_  ) 
  | |  / _` || '_|/ _` | / -_) |  _|            / /  
  |_|  \__,_||_|  \__, | \___|  \__|           /___| 

Date(s) of Birth Used	June 21, 1961
Place of Birth	Memphis, Tennessee
Hair	Black
Eyes	Brown
Height	6'1"
Weight	180 pounds
Sex	Male
Race	Black
Occupation	Welder, Tractor driver
Nationality	American
Scars and Marks	Willingham has the following tattoos on his left forearm: the word GEMINI; a circle with a symbol inside; and a circle with a cross inside. He also has two unidentified tattoos on his left bicep.
NCIC	W521290111
Home Address: 12722 Kilbourne St. Detroit, MI, Estimated Value: $75,000
Phone Number: (806) 622-0612
_------- Google Dork: https://files.offshore.cat/928LHCRq.txt
Email: davidwillingham576@gmail.com
Wealth (2) (Broke fuck!)	
Donor (1)	
Travel (4)
ISP: FedEx (What nigga uses FedEx?)
Zip Code: 48213-1410
Dorothy Johnson: Age 61
Jeneivous Willingham: Age 34
Juanita Willingham: Age 91
Kiana Willingham: Age 26
Odessa Willingham: Age 70
Roderick (From wimpy kid?) Willingham: Age 34
Terrick Willingham: Age 28
Angela Glanton: Age 49
Ashley Hughes; Age 31
Christopher White; Age 46
Corene Bridges: Age 79
Courtney Kierra Hughes: Age 29
G Fulford: Age 24
John Allen: Age 54
Lea Phillips: Age 32
Marquonsa Daniels: Age 28
Paula Keesee: Age 52
Perry Reid: Age 78
Ruth Robinson: Age 79

57 Peyton
Coldwater, MS 38618
Tate County
(Jun 1997 - Feb 2010)

202 N Jefferson St
Amarillo, TX 79107
Potter County
(Aug 2005)

5220 Yorkshire Rd
Detroit, MI 48224
Wayne County
(Aug 2005)

304 Hartfield St
Jackson, MS 39216
Hinds County
(Aug 2005)

5851 N 61st St
Milwaukee, WI 53218
Milwaukee County
(Feb 2004 - Nov 2004)

308 Josanna St
Jackson, MS 39202
Hinds County
(Aug 2003)

PO Box 191
Como, MS 38619
Panola County
(Oct 1995 - Nov 2000)

PO Box 353B
Como, MS 38619
Panola County
(Oct 1996)

404 W Gilmore St
Senatobia, MS 38668
Tate County
(Jul 1996 - Jun 2001)
CRIMES: Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution - Kidnapping, Rape

  *   )                            )     _ _       ) 
` )  /(    )  (    (  (     (   ( /(   _| | |_  ( /( 
 ( )(_))( /(  )(   )\))(   ))\  )\()) |_  .  _| )\())
(_(_()) )(_))(()\ ((_))\  /((_)(_))/  |_     _|((_)\ 
|_   _|((_)_  ((_) (()(_)(_))  | |_     |_|_| |__ (_)
  | |  / _` || '_|/ _` | / -_) |  _|           |_ \  
  |_|  \__,_||_|  \__, | \___|  \__|          |___/  


Date(s) of Birth Used	May 18, 1974
Hair	Black
Eyes	Brown
Height	5’4”
Weight	130 pounds
Sex	Male
ugly ass face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1211559125595459654/1211575899510542357/preview.png?ex=65eeb2fc&is=65dc3dfc&hm=5587539810b69a8ab196b3f675f95d40afb2627a83da2015d98fdc782bec69b7&
Home Address: 2812 Moss Ave, Los Angeles, CA
Zip Code: 90065-2128
Phone Number: (323) 704-7886
ISP: T-Mobile
Wealth (34)	
Donor (46)	
Travel (30)
Email: dormidoe58@yahoo.com.ph
CRIMES: Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution - Oral Copulation or Sexual Penetration with Child 10 Years Old or Younger - 2 counts, Forcible Lewd Act Upon Child - 1 count, Lewd Act Upon a Child - 2 counts

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