amanda roblox e girl
Catfishes, larps about everything
certrified e whore
her boyfriend so ugly he doesnt care about her catfishing because the best he can get is a catfishing egirl

 ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
  [ Name: Amanda (possible real name [Ashlynne])
       DOB: 5/17/2004
        ➣ Pseudonyms: ""manda, ghxstjr,ditsykitty, orla, slittuh/slit ""
        ➣  Location: Indianapolis, United States
        ➣  IP Address:
        ➣  Device: Phone (Android)
            Discord : stonedheartt  793526356952612904 <------ ID
            boyfriends discord: yorbladi 1088546947780071454 <------- ID
            Roblox : https://www.roblox.com/users/1866410478/profile <----- lol ur poor larping e girl  
            spotify : https://open.spotify.com/user/3136ua4p42zn2xhht57zkjbsykcm?si=G7PH2ZFqRJyNWb1LgDauwA
            Snapchat : Amandasolosyou
            Tiktok : ditsykitten
              ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????
            pics she used to catfish:
            Real face:
            NSFW PICTURES ARE LEAKED!!!!!!!!!
       .--.  .-'''-.  .--.      Done by 7a x lat
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    |     |             \     \
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    |     |             | \     \                                  
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  `._      (__/_/-/   ..'         (_/| |\_)
     ``--._____.-(     `.            `-'
                  `--.   `.
                    (_/\ \\\ AMANDA YOUR A MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!