--guess telling a1 to stop logging info from scripts wasnt enough

[*] "ALLTHESEOPPS" aka "A1", the almighty skid master who claims to be a doxer, scripter and a ton of other shit he larped on

[*] name - Jesfran Mordeno

[*] aliases current and past = {
    alltheseopps/a1 - current
    MONCLERRS - past
    HellaToxic - past
    1HEAD_SHOOT - past
    R1SKER - first known roblox alias from his newest/active account
    Rock_LeePTS - first alias from his 2nd account
    skyLucky54321 - first alias on roblox
    1cuz_x - 2017 roblox alias
    xXboyXRx - older alias from 2017 on roblox
    OfficalXboyXR - another 2017 alias on roblox
    XboyXR - youtube alias

[*] socials = {
    https://www.roblox.com/users/1386568402/profile - current roblox
    https://www.instagram.com/jesfranmordeno/?hl=en - inactive instagram - my best guess is he's too much of a social reject to use anything like instagram hence it's activity being nonexistent
    A1#9999 - discord - 667476201220210719
    https://www.instagram.com/1.cuzx/?hl=en - older alt instagram - was never used
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGVD_0pYGqYPaRjWB9kEwNg - first youtube account he created
    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkkI0yywsGWX8azj1ZvjBLQ - current youtube account

[*] address info = {
    Annegatan 48, 611 33 Nyköping, Sweden
    est home value - 779217.20 swedish krona

[*] ip info = {

--smoking that a1 pack, also toby and nopaynee r cool lol