.----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------. 
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| |      __      | || | _____  _____ | || |   ______     | || |  ____  ____  | |
| |     /  \     | || ||_   _||_   _|| || |  |_   __ \   | || | |_  _||_  _| | |
| |    / /\ \    | || |  | | /\ | |  | || |    | |__) |  | || |   \ \  / /   | |
| |   / ____ \   | || |  | |/  \| |  | || |    |  ___/   | || |    \ \/ /    | |
| | _/ /    \ \_ | || |  |   /\   |  | || |   _| |_      | || |    _|  |_    | |
| ||____|  |____|| || |  |__/  \__|  | || |  |_____|     | || |   |______|   | |
| |              | || |              | || |              | || |              | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 
| V3XT3RH4CK#1337 | 

Name: Ali Qamar.
Address: 6730w 140st.
Other Address i found: 10100 W 140st.
City: Kansas.
DOB: October 20, 1997.
Phone Number: 913-938-2192.
Sex: Male.
Name of place: Overland Park, Kansas.
Family Members: Shakir Qamar,
Sohail Qamar.
Last 4 digits of all cards: Visa x-6109,
Visa x-5480,
Visa x-4728.
Reason: Talks so much shit.
Thinks he is a hacker.
Ways to contact him:
Skype: ali.shahid277.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AliShahid52.
Accounts: https://www.virtualmaster.com/en/login Chrome alishahid52@hotmail.com mishal555
https://www.facebook.com/ Chrome alishahid52@hotmail.com mishal555
https://discordapp.com/channels/@me/229055942476562433 Chrome rshahid511@gmail.com mishal555
https://mega.nz/ Chrome rshahid511@gmail.com mishal555
https://sso.pokemon.com/sso/login Chrome gezrisptriy 20102001
https://club.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-trainer-club/my-email Chrome gezrisptriy 20102001
https://www.amazon.com/ap/signin Chrome Bahme1990@jourrapide.com mishal555
https://www.000webhost.com/free-website-sign-up Chrome alishahid52@hotmail.com mishal555
https://ostel.co/admin/users/suggest Chrome alishahid52@hotmail.com mishal555
https://solusvm.virmach.com/login.php Chrome 1gssd24466 yzGvd7MrM4TW
https://signup.live.com/signup Chrome bahme1990@jourrapide.com -
https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf Chrome backup32@sigaint.org $2356jf&@4pqAf3v@5%
https://virmach.com/manage/cart.php Chrome alishahid52@hotmail.com mishal555
https://login.live.com/login.srf Chrome alishahid52@hotmail.com rippedcord35c
--------------------------------------------------------------- Chrome - 0132100456
https://accounts.google.com/signin/challenge/sl/password Chrome rshahid511@gmail.com 20102001
http://hypergen.ch/register Chrome alimodder mishal555
https://www.paypal.com/signin Chrome rshahid511@gmail.com rippedcord35c
https://sso.rumba.pearsoncmg.com/sso/login Chrome msqamar@bluevalleyk12.net bv10126078