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                                                                          .-(  / / / |) )-----------(/ ~  / /  |---.
                                                                   ______ | (   '    /_/                (__/     /   |_______
                                                                   \      |  (_(_ ( /~ The Discord Loser \___/_/'    |      /
                                                                    \     |               ’akira#0001                |     /
                                                                    /     (__________________________________________)     \
                                                                   /__________)     __--|  /   ///   .         (____________\
                                                                                  _/        / (.  "~'~---__
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                                                                                   \__    __/      ~-__   __--~
                                                                                      ~~"~             ~~~
 |⚜️ the dox may look shitty on phone so just go on desktop mode  for cleaner look if ur on phone ⚜️                    |
 |⚜️ Too lazy to get more stuff since hes useless and gotta reply to farzad's private users yk so don't complain ⚜️     |
 |⚜️ I'm adding more stuff later too lazy right now ⚜️                                                                  |
 |⚜️Keep in mind I update this everyday⚜️                                                                               |
 |⚜️Doxxed for being Retarded And Cringe and acting like a doxxer when u can't do shit fucking Da Hoodian⚜️             |
 |⚜️IDC if anyone harms or blackmails him⚜️                                                                             |


Name : rayan 
Gender : male
Face :          (nigga using girl filter fucking twink)
https://thumbor.f3.cool/1ewdyfZgiB1iuZvmChKfdaV2Qlk=/240x240/smart/profile0.f3.cool/WDmIwVmA/dgg3Fa8l9_240x425.jpg  (maybe not sure)
(adding more lazy rn)
Born date : 22/2/2006 or 10/9/2006 (first one for sure)
age : 16
Member of : UNESCO world heritage
Religion : Christianity
you can check this out too (its froma  year ago) : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/921866783378530304/999994994620383292/unknown.png
apparently Hes a cringe Da Hoodian who says he can dox but cant do shit
nigga cant even speak English correctly


Roblox user : @xxxtentcionxxx12345 (yeeee xxxtentacion fr)
Roblox profile : https://www.roblox.com/users/1462049616/profile
Discord User : ’akira#0001
Discord id : 895401625009672222
snapchat : im_turc
phone number : +33 7 49 83 02 42
insta user : akkiirx
insta link : https://instagram.com/akkiirx?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
tiktok user : katfanboy e.g .akkiira
tiktok link : https://www.tiktok.com/@katfanboy?_t=8UC79XwsVGQ&_r=1
https://f3.cool/akkiira/ (uhhhh)
https://myanimelist.net/profile/akkiira (last online 2016, so high doubt)
https://xboxgamertag.com/search/akkiira (high doubts, he got ps and iPhone, but Xbox for poor niggas (no, but rich ppl think so)) 
https://aminoapps.com/u/akkiira (maybe)
http://www.jeuxvideo.com/profil/akkiira?mode=infos (really high possibility)


Location seen in his tiktok vids :
tiktok vid : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/921866783378530304/1000006320512045056/unknown.png
Location : Parc du, Chem. du Couvent, 38090 Villefontaine France
seen : he was in paris at eifell at 5/15/22
seen : 7/10/22 on ferry to moroco

link for pic :

on google maps : https://www.google.at/maps/place/The+Village/@45.6182031,5.1486067,15z/data=!4m9!1m2!2m1!1sParc+du,+Chem.+du+Couvent,+38090+Villefontaine,+France!3m5!1s0x47f4d28ff7b3a1e7:0xf23a9c349d6d0c6!8m2!3d45.6258549!4d5.1615408!15sCjZQYXJjIGR1LCBDaGVtLiBkdSBDb3V2ZW50LCAzODA5MCBWaWxsZWZvbnRhaW5lLCBGcmFuY2VaNCIycGFyYyBkdSBjaGVtIGR1IGNvdXZlbnQgMzgwOTAgdmlsbGVmb250YWluZSBmcmFuY2WSAQtvdXRsZXRfbWFsbJoBJENoZERTVWhOTUc5blMwVkpRMEZuU1VSdmRWOVFNR2hCUlJBQg

another location :
tiktok vid : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/921866783378530304/1000010390836617266/unknown.png
location : 7 Pont Morand, Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
seen : 6/1/22 (its june 1, but yk) day
seen : 5/28/22 also day
link for pic :

on google maps : https://www.google.at/maps/place/7+Pont+Morand,+69001+Lyon,+Frankreich/@45.7685938,4.8383088,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47f4eafa030e238f:0xc52b655878b981f!8m2!3d45.7685901!4d4.8404975

UUID : 1c6f07e0-09c6-11ed-861d-0242ac120002
HARDWARE ID : 7b4c1413-d5d9-4837-9016-9e451e2c0ed6
Windows Product key : 7HNRX-D7KGG-3K4RQ-4WPJ4-YTDFH
Windows 10 Professional :

Ok enough shit ill add more later if needed

--------------------------------------⚜️(Other Socials)⚜️--------------------------------------

Ok enough shit ill add more later if needed