*               RAMELL was here             *
*       ajb2003's dox (fucking skid)        *

AJPvP / ajb2003
Name: Ashton Benning
Alias: ajb2003, Misgendered, AZChecker, aj, Ashton
Age: 15
Height: 5/10
Shoe Size: 9 1.5
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Brown
Penis Type: Uncircumcised 
Race: Indian/Caucasian 
School: South Delta Secondary School
Email: ashton_b@telus.net, hitmybreeze@gmail.com
Address: 1537 Golf Club Dr, Tsawwassen BC, V4M4H1
Router Type: Dynamic
ISP: Telus
Fathers Name: George Benning
Fathers Email: george_benn@telus.net
Brothers Name: Ayden Benning (AJB01)
Fathers Phone Number: (604) 948-2140
Hobbies: Vaping, Minecraft making stupid jokes about Daniel.
Sports Played: Baseball, Soccer and Hockey 
Job: MCDonalds 
Job Address: 1835 56 St, Delta, BC V4L 2B4, Canada
Job Number: +1 604-948-3630
Personal Number: +1 604-802-4935
Works Wednesday's Around 6pm EST (Its like 5 for him) 

Snapchat: ashton.benning
Instagram: ashton.benning
Soundcloud: Peptobismol
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ajb2003B
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/ajbro03
Discord: ajbpvp#5020
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKeAbSBUBiXIKio1ZAERVkg
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/people/ajb999/
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198206917433
Minecraft Account: ajb2003/ajbpvp/boiler/AJB01
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ajb01 (BROTHER)

He thinks he's spooky because he has a db folder. 

Computer Location: Dining Room with computer screen facing the kitchen so his mom monitor him.

* http://prntscr.com/msth9l Picture of one of the cop cars in front of his house (match it with the addy) - 1537 Golf Club Dr, Tsawwassen BC, V4M4H1