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 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 
May I present the dox of Air, the cunt behind @a1r and @supersad. This retard,
known to his irl bullies as "Blake Huber", enjoys watching anime and
pretending to have 200 btc that he got from supposedly hacking a btc exchange. 
Allow the jabber logs presented below to fill in the gaps:

(07:43:48 PM) november: what os is that
(07:43:51 PM) november: in that ss you sent
(07:44:01 PM) air@draugr.de: its my vm tornode socket bitch   / LOLOLOLOL
(07:44:15 PM) november: what os is that
(07:44:17 PM) november: in that ss you sent
(07:44:41 PM) air@draugr.de: its my burner pc?
(07:44:49 PM) air@draugr.de: you broke fuck
(07:44:52 PM) november: what os is that
(07:44:54 PM) november: in that ss you sent
(07:44:57 PM) november: answer the question LOL
(07:45:03 PM) air@draugr.de: are you retarded
(07:45:09 PM) air@draugr.de: my main pc is a mac
(07:45:09 PM) november: "burner pc" isn't an os?
(07:45:12 PM) air@draugr.de: i use a windows vm
(07:45:15 PM) november: LOL

(07:47:06 PM) air@draugr.de: hacc a btc exchange and toss da macbook ,,
(07:47:19 PM) air@draugr.de: raindrop drop top 
hacc a btc exchange and toss da macbook ,,
(07:47:47 PM) air@draugr.de: raimdrop dox drop hacc a btc exchange and toss da laptop

Creds: November and Delta


Name: 	Blake Marty Huber
Birthday: 	September 1, 1999
pic: 	http://i.imgur.com/V7zPmFO.png
CPUkey: 	C438C3C26E223BF47BBF944165DA6643
Devices: 	LG Nexus 5, AOSP on Shamu, Galaxy s7 edge, Samsung Galaxy S IV
phone number: 	‭+61 ‭0468 904 474‬
Address: 	23 Mark Rd, Bundaberg West, QLD 4670, Australia 	/ 	Confirmed
			13 Falson Crescent Bundaberg 4670 Queensland, Australia 	/ 	On his skype payment.
High school: 	Bundaberg North State High School 	/ 	no longer attends, dropped out as of feb 2016

LOL: 	https://imgur.com/82Aotg2
"I have a 30inch 7 month old diamond python c: and a half russian blue cat! What pets do you have?"

|  Also known 	  |  Air                                                                          |
|    as           |  a1r                                                                          |
|				  |  Abusing                                                                      |
| 				  |  Suicide                                                                      |
|				  |  Eridium                                                                      |
|				  |  Aiko                                                                         |
|				  |  Albert Hollow / Albert "Ran by Albert"                                       |
|                 |  Sweatable                                                                    |
|                 |  OnlyekalB / Only ekalB                                                       |
|                 |  Death_wish                                                                   |
| XMPP            |  air@draugr.de                                                                |   
| Twitter         |  https://twitter.com/supersad                                                 |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/honour                                                   |
|				  |  https://twitter.com/a1r                                                      |
| 				  |  https://twitter.com/suicide                                                  |
| 				  |  https://twitter.com/en_14834953759                                           |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/abusing                                                  |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/mentodesigns                                             |
|                 |  https://twitter.com/airwantstodie                                            |
| Skype           |  usemeforcalls2                                                               | 
|                 |  usemeforcalls3                                                               |
|                 |  usemeforcalls4                                                               |
|                 |  usemeforcalls                                                                |
|				  |  attain                                                                       |
| 				  |  abusing-                                                                     |
| 				  |  live:mentodesigns                                                            |
| 				  |  Onlyekalb                                                                    |
|				  |  live:abusingdesigns                                                          |
|  Common         |  Unhackable13                                                                 |
|   passes        |  Clover7447                                                                   |
|                 |  clover7447                                                                   |
|                 |  galaxy123                                                                    |
|                 |  guy123                                                                       |
| Kik             |  eridium                                                                      |
| Email addrs     |  eridium@flavr.us                                                             |
|                 |  abusingdesigns@gmail.com                                                     |
|                 |  mentodesigns@gmail.com                                                       |
|                 |  torigang666@outlook.com                                                      |
|                 |  augustusarthurbarthollemewv2@gmail.com / facebook.com/adopts                 |
|                 |  tigereye74@hotmail.com                                                       |
|                 |  blake74.bh@gmail.com                                                         |
|                 |  amy.pukali18@gmail.com                                                       |
|                 |  affluents@outlook.com                                                        |
| BTC addrs       |  35o5HccaqBcf1NGJNFy9bo3MdF2GrTh3Ht                                           |
| Gamertag (XBL)  |  Its Only ekalB                                                               |
|                 |  only ekalB                                                                   |
| Steam           |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/flirtiest                                       |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/DepressedeGirl                                  |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/airisgay/                                       |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/airplayscsgo                                    |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/jadeheaven                                      |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/anklet                                          |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/severedepression                                |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198381244475                         |
|                 |  http://steamcommunity.com/id/ugceuye/                                        |
| Facebook.com    |  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004809158437                      |
|				  |  https://www.facebook.com/ibeatwomen                                          |
| 				  |  https://www.facebook.com/adopts                                              |
|                 |  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005579716560                      |
|                 |  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005174205043                      |
|                 |  https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006859211031                      |
| Twitch.tv       |  twitch.tv/affluents / pw:Unhackable13                                        |
| HF              |  https://hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=2817691                 |
| youtube         |  https://www.youtube.com/user/MentoDesigns                                    |
|                 |  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoOztAhNd7B70esRYSfkHRg                     |
| Soundcloud      |  https://soundcloud.com/user-429629561                                        |
|                 |  http://soundcloud.com/anxiety                                                |
| Google plus     |  https://plus.google.com/101110297969379557907                                |
|IP addrs         |                                                                |
|                 |                                                                 |
|                 |                                                               |
|                 |                                                                 |
|                 |                                                              |
|                 |                                                               |
|                 |                                                              |
|                 |                                                              |
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|                 |                                                                |
| Other           |  https://www.xpgamesaves.com/members/onlyekalb.276487/                        |
|                 |  https://www.thetechgame.com/Abusing                                          |
|                 |  https://www.se7ensins.com/members/only-ekalb.470081/                         |



Mom: Terrie LM (Terrie Huber)
fb: https://www.facebook.com/TerrieLM748 
education: attended high school at Cairns State High School
phone number: 0448-858-188
address: 23 Mark Rd, Branyan QLD 4670, Australia

Sister: Ashleigh Huber
fb: https://www.facebook.com/ashleigh.huber.967?lst=100010696905612%3A100004890968681%3A1501474267
skype: ashleigh.mae32
address: lives away from home somewhere 

Dad: Marty Huber
phone number: 0448-858-148