║                 This paste contains archives/contents and discussion of self harm, extortion and blackmail, you have been warned.       ║        
        Reason: Competes in extortion, extorted a 13 and 12 year old for her nudes & cutsign. Even groomed multiple children   

(+) this is still a starter im just looking for more info hmu on tele @extortingfeds and discord: xmrlog just wanna get the proof of him being a extorter and now I got it so small update now and more coming rlly soon (+)

8 888888888o.          ,o888888o.  `8.`8888.      ,8' 8 8888888888   8 888888888o.                8 888888888o `8.`8888.      ,8'              d888888o.   8 8888     ,88'           
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┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - Introduction ┃

so today whe will talk about a  person called aiko sadly he is a extorter he went from larping access to demeters account to larping guns all sorts of access like having LEEP access

to making girls cut as a joke apparently and many more things i shall provide u all with the following pictures.

and hops aliases for a living and is known for using inspect element to change texts 

(reason of dox extortion, associates with extortion.)
┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - pics ┃

█   PROOF OF EXTORTION            █
█   https://streamable.com/qmlh9m █
(if u cant see slow down the vid)             

"his voice is digusting"                                           ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/ydw6ra.png                                ▎
stupid extorter                                                    ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/13zlxp.png                                ▎
gf proving ur name:                                                ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/tuyyqw.png                                ▎
AIKO U A FAILED EXTORTER https://files.catbox.moe/mqvqo0.png       ▎
this ur TikTok searches gng :sob:                                  ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/gtqo80.png                                ▎
saying I was begging while ts is u:                                ▎                          
https://files.catbox.moe/e5mzq7.png                                ▎
bro cant code:                                                     ▎                                       
https://files.catbox.moe/cn5i7g.png                                ▎
retard:                                                            ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/apmrs1.png                                ▎
here the TikTok shit:                                              ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/qkk1w0.png                                ▎
(bonus)                                                            ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/jcmssr.png disgusting dude                ▎
https://files.catbox.moe/krx7to.png ur so weird bro                ▎               
https://files.catbox.moe/uvzgqq.png ew                             ▎                        
https://files.catbox.moe/zwmagq.png                                ▎ 
scared I was finna drop his ip :Skull:                             ▎

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - personal info ┃


--> aiko
            big distress

possible full name: 

--> Kovács Levente
 age: 17/16
  dob: xx/xx/2008
Gender: male

original country: Sweden

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - IP  info ┃


IP Information: 

Internet Service Provider:

Tele2 Sweden


Sweden, Stockholm County, Vårsta






Stockholm County

Area code:

123 42


- Continent: Europe  
- ZIP Code: 100 04  
- Latitude: 59.32938  
- Longitude: 18.06871  
- Timezone: Europe/Stockholm  
- Local Time: 2024-10-10T19:36:22+02:00  
- Company Name: Tele2 Sverige AB  
- Company Type: ISP (Internet Service Provider)  
- Network Range: -  
- Domain: tele2.com  
- Abuser Score (Company): 0.001 (Low)  
- WHOIS (Company): https://api.ipapi.is/?whois= 
- Abuse Contact Name: Swipnet Staff  
- Abuse Contact Address: Tele2 AB/Swedish IP Network,   - IP Registry, Torshamnsgatan 17, 164 40 Kista, Sweden  
- Abuse Contact Email: abuse@tele2.com  
- ASN: 1257  
- ASN Description: TELE2, EU  
- ASN Route:  
- Abuser Score (ASN): 0.0002 (Very Low)  
- ASN Created: 2002-09-19  
- ASN Updated: 2022-10-06  
- WHOIS (ASN): https://api.ipapi.is/?whois=AS1257


┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - socials                    ┃
doxbin.com/user/afraidly       these are both his doxbin accounts
discord -- roughviolence
Roblox -- https://www.roblox.com/users/4643167377/profile
TikTok -- N/A

alt discord -- kodexer


1. Picuki
   - Profile URL: https://www.picuki.com/profile/levii44444
   - Registered: Yes
   - Private: Yes

2. YouTube
   - Name: levii
   - Profile URL: https://youtube.com/channel/UCh4Rq1wugokp1lMANodfZ4w
   - Followers: 16
   - Creation Date: April 19, 2020

3. Roblox
   - Username: Levii44444
   - Profile URL: https://www.roblox.com/users/3459112051/profile
   - Creation Date: April 10, 2022
   - Verified: No

4. Xbox
   - Username: Levii44444
   - Profile URL: https://www.xbox.com/play/user/Levii44444

5. Instagram
   - Name: Kovács Levente
   - Profile URL: https://www.instagram.com/levii44444
   - Followers: 0
   - Following: 17
   - Private: Yes
   - Email Hint: *\* @f*.hu

6. Replit
   - Name: d fwfwfw
   - Profile URL: https://replit.com/@levii44444

7. Scribd
   - Name: levii44444
   - Profile URL: https://www.scribd.com/user/757467335/levii44444

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - emails                     ┃

Emails: levii44444@gmail.com,
(services the email is connected 2)
-->   [+] replit.com   
       [+] twitter.com
         [+] imgur.com
            [+] firefox.com


--> [+] imgur.com


--> [+] imgur.com

         {+] no breaches found on all of them {+}

Common Passwords: fuckingyourlifeleviwashere24, Levi2024!, Levii2024

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - end                        ┃

hello aiko ik u might see this and I know ur gonne claim the info is fake try it. I wish whe still would be friends and  u never did extortion sad to see someone nice like u go,
down the wrong path I hope god forgives you and your sins.

   ,                 (_ _    \
  /|  ____     _      )= `)  ) ,"";, 
 |(| ()___>===(()====(   (   (//``;\\                           osint by: me dude who made this paste 
(|            ||~\__  `) (    )    ;||
              ||    `==\--`.-;     ;||                            doxbin.com/user/systemkey    t.me/extortingfeds
               \\      /   |`-._,  ;\\
        ,        `---;`    /     `._`\\
      ,/|             >~~~~`._      `"`                            ip found by mqiva creds to mqiva for the ip >.< 
      |(|            /   '    `""---.....___
     (|              | '.    '  _    .      ``\
                     \     '-.    '-   .   _  /
                      \ '.              -  ._`\
                       '.    '.     '-..     _/
                         '._   -  ._       _/
                            `-..__      .-'`