
reson for dox + rant: general idiot and faggot, beats up kids smaller than him and bullies 6 years old at 12, likes to call everyone a pussy when he wont pull up, 
tells everyone he says the n word on the daily but his dead as hell momma says otherwise, thinks he is the hardest individual on the planet,  :)

Full Name: Aidan Fontana

Claimed sexuality: male

actual sexuality: pussy


ISP: Cox communications

Address: 9722 Gifthouse st Las Vegas Nevada 89178

Phone number: 702 701 6598

School: Doral Academy Cactus campus - 9025 W Cactus Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89178

snapchat: aidanfontana20

insta: aidanfontana

xbox: Wasabi MyDude

Houseparty: your_mom2

tiktok: aidanfontana

twitch: wasabi_mydude

youtube: Wasabi Mydude

possible relationships
Gabby Fontana
Alice L fontana
Victor fontana
Anthony Joseph Fontana
Marguerite Fontana
April C Fontana
Frank Fontana

ps. Dont fuck with my friends dumbass

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