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                                        [[['[==/[[[[,[[['[==/[[[[,     `[[     [[,[[     \[[,   '[[,,[['  
                                        $$$  '''    $$$$  '''    $      $$,    $$$$$,     $$$    Y$$$P    
                                        888 88b    dP888 88b    dP      888_,o8P'"888,_ _,88P  oP"``"Yo,  
                                        MMM  "YMmMY" MMM  "YMmMY"       MMMMP"`    "YMMMMMP",m"       "Mm,

                                                  │          Fucked ᴮʸ / percs#0004        │
                                                  │              [ .gg/fedds ]             │
                                                  │               Basic Info               │
                             ┌————————————————————│                                        │———————————————————┐
                             │                            [> Name : Ahmed Mahoud                               │                     
                             │                            [> Age : 19					       │
                             │                            [> Ethnic : Muslim				       │	
                             │                            [> DOB : 15/01/2003                                  │                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
                             │                            [> Address :8720 Crystal Creek Court Land O' Lakes   │	
			     │					      34638 FL United States of America        │ 
                             │                                                                                 │            
                             │                            [> Email : 875577@pdsb.net, arenko.manrike1@gmail.com│
			     │					     m_louisa@msn.com                          │
             	             │										       │
                             │                            [> Phone : +46720841240, +97455744277                │                                                                                                                                                                
                             │                            [> Discord : icaep#5230                              │
                             │                                                                                 │                                                                                                                                                      
                             └———————————————————│  [> IP : none   [> ORG : None           │———————————————————┘
                                                 │                            [> CT : none │
                                                 │  [> Ports : none    [> ASN : none       │
							Reason for Dox had 128GB of CP
							   Animal Brutality Videos 
						             Extortion on minors
							    Threating to SIM SWAT

						Also wanna ADD the fact this kids weird and watches 
						    Roblox and minecraft Porn on Twitter LMAO

                      ::::::.    :::.:::::::-.  .,::::::::::::::::. :::::::::::: ::   .:      ::::::.    :::..-:::::'   ...     
                      ;;;`;;;;,  `;;; ;;,   `';,;;;;'''' `;;;```.;;;;;;;;;;;'''',;;   ;;,     ;;;`;;;;,  `;;;;;;'''' .;;;;;;;.  
                      [[[  [[[[[. '[[ `[[     [[ [[cccc   `]]nnn]]'      [[    ,[[[,,,[[[     [[[  [[[[[. '[[[[[,,==,[[     \[[,
                      $$$  $$$ "Y$c$$  $$,    $$ $$""""    $$$""         $$    "$$$"""$$$     $$$  $$$ "Y$c$$`$$$"``$$$,     $$$
                      888  888    Y88  888_,o8P' 888oo,__  888o          88,    888   "88o    888  888    Y88 888   "888,_ _,88P
                      MMM  MMM     YM  MMMMP"`   """"YUMMM YMMMb         MMM    MMM    YMM    MMM  MMM     YM "MM,    "YMMMMMP" 

                                                               ~~~ CC Info ~~~

    						      Payment Type           Credit Card
                                                      CC Holder Name         kael parr
                                                      CC Brand               Visa
                                                      CC Number              4* ** ** ** ** ** 91 99
                                                      CC Exp. Date           08/24              
                                                      Address 1              440 McMurchy Avenue South
                                                      City                   Brampton
                                                      Postal Code            l6y2n4
                                                      State                  ON
                                                      Country                CA

   						      Payment Type           Credit Card
                                                      Valid                  True
                                                      CC Holder Name         Månsson Marie-Louise
                                                      CC Brand               Mastercard
                                                      CC Number              5* ** ** ** ** ** 42 24
                                                      CC Exp. Date           09/25
                                                      Address 1              Syrenvägen 5
                                                      City                   Växjö
                                                      Postal Code            simona123
                                                      State                  Europe
                                                      Country                SE


                                                               ~~~ IP Info ~~~
  								 Nothing yet

                                                              ~~~ IDS / Images ~~~

						  Him as a kid // https://imgur.com/a/BaQ3fdX 

						  Him and Sister // https://imgur.com/a/j5tIMiZ

						  Parents // https://imgur.com/a/vXipFsS

						  Aunties CV // https://fileport.io/eYq8TnXDmCNB

						  His passwords Webhistory // https://fileport.io/kTH4P1dK1URC 


                                                     | Credits                         |
                                                     | ,----------------------------.  |       
                                                     | |          Discord:           | |
                                                     | |         percs#0004          | |          
                                                     | |                             | |
                                                     | |       Discord Server:       | | 
                                                     | | https://discord.gg/xPwvGQQs | | 
                                                     | |                             | |
                                                     | |       Telegram Server:      | |
                                                     | |   https://t.me/feddsroom    | |
                                                     | |.............................| |
                                                     | |  _  :          '      :  _  | |
                                                     | | |_| :                 : |_| | |
                                                     | |  _  :_               _:  _  | |
                                                     | | |_| :.)        .    (.: |_| | |
                                                     | '-----....._________.....-----' |
                                                     |     _    _     O     _    _     |
                                                     |    |_|  |_|    |    |_|  |_|    |