_aggos_p's INFO:
Country: Greece
Region: Athens
City: Keratsini / Amfialh
Address: Amisou 50 <--- Address Number
Floor: 4th
Time Zone: Eastern European Summer Time (GMT+3)

_aggos_p's IRL:
Name: Aggelos Papatheofilou
Gender: Male (Bisexual)
Age: 15
Phone Number: +30 6971574172
Face: https://prnt.sc/oX-HpQG0c1LI
Face With His BF: https://prnt.sc/InZyLtN3JONW
BF Photo: https://prnt.sc/VdJwN0ZX-mjA
BF Photo ft. his mother: https://prnt.sc/geCqyZU6Srfx
BF Photo ft. Friend: https://prnt.sc/aUbUCIlzEqOZ

_aggos_p's Social Media
Discord: aggelos#9541 (Discord ID: 854764018086707241)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_aggos_p/

_aggos_p's BF Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fxsaios/

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Note: Talking bad to me & my friends, also anti-lgbtq here?