Bryan Panga - hits women, and thinks its okay! destroys other peoples belongings and is overall a disgusting human. here's his info have fun <3 (his boyfriend is just as guilty his name is Nathan Davis)

Nathan (bryans boyfriends) information-
address - 750 robb ave clarksville, tn 
phone # - (931)-338-6855 (has iMessage)
insta - @burgundyarchive (private account)
attends austin peay state university 
works at liberty park grill (125 marina way, clarksville tn // (931)-919-2444) (currently closed bc covid-19)

Bryan (abuser) information- 
address - 750 robb ave clarksville, tn
phone # - (404)-447-3301
insta - @claudekiese
twitter - @kiesepanga
works at T.J. Maxx (2700 wilma Rudolph blvd, clarksville tn // (931)-552-9828) (currently closed bc covid-19)