qqqqqqqqqqqq ii q q IIII q q IIII qqqqqqqqqqqq ii qq uuu uuu cccccccccccc eeeeeeeeeee qq uuu uuu ii cccc eeee ee qq uuu uuu ii cccc eeeeeeeeeee qq uuu uuu ii cccc eee qq uuuuuuuuuuuu ii cccccccccccc eeeeeeeeeee Reason? I know this dude, morbidly obesse, gay, and the biggest idiot in the room + Who falls for a bare Grabify link? Update: The fool gave me an address, not a specific one but apparently, "somewhere there". Also, I have made way too many edits on this. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Zianne Miguel James Abrao IP: Discord: zianne#3006 Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/people/Zianne-Miguel/100077456354162/ (You really ain't 40 years old man) School: Alashbal Preparatory International School Latitude and Longitude*: 25.291969, 51.53017 GPS Coordinates+: 25° 17' 31.0884" N, 51° 31' 48.612" E Physical Address (Tracking any Middle East IP is near impossible): Al Faras Street, Villa 14 _________________________________________[Parental Info]__________________________________________ Mother: Name: Maryjoy Abrao IP: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maryjoy.abrao.31 Latitude and Longitude*: 25.291969, 51.53017 GPS Coordinates+: 25° 17' 31.0884" N, 51° 31' 48.612" E Father: He confirmed it himself, he actually has no father. (HAEHAHEHAHEHAHEAH lol get dunked on fatass) ___________________________________________[Footnotes]___________________________________________ *IP to Geolocation has way too many guesses on La and Lo, so I went for this one. +GPS Coordinates show a road, because that's the only photo of the location. ____________________________________________[Images]_____________________________________________ Reference Image of Target: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1061244982595436597/1099260264278397010/IMG_1100.png Inside Image: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1077193439915024414/1086686183968493729/225F021D-E8D9-49B8-BAD9-290975D5CAA9.jpg?width=491&height=655