Welcome to the disclosure of the identity of Efim Khokhlov. I met this person in a conversation with ghouls and immediately saw inappropriate behavior.   
To put it concretely, you can see after talking with my victim that she is ready for anything, so that her anonymity would not be disclosed on the Internet. 
This caused me a storm of surprises and that's why I decided to disclose his anonymity. 
Also, one of the reasons for this was his bias towards people and their social conditions.

| Full name : Medvedev Efim                                |
| DOB : 27 Feb., 2003                                      |
| Sex : Male                                               |    <- Surface information
| Age : 17 y.o                                             |
| POB : Russia, Tula region, c. Kimovsk                    |

Education : "СОШ №4 г. Кимовск" [11 class]
Contacts with school : +7 (48735) 5-74-50 or school4-kimovsk.ru

Efim friends : 
1. vk.com/id149204689
2. vk.com/id162850896
3. vk.com/id586912240 - Mb close friends or relatives
4. vk.com/id62932707

Soc. networks : 
1. vk.com/id202158145 - Main page.
2. vk.com/id246106540 - Fake page.
3. efimok31 - Skype.
4. ok.ru/profile/553099930033 - Main page ok.ru
5. lolz.guru/members/513618/ - Lolz profile.

Photos :
1. https://clck.ru/TD3FA
2. https://clck.ru/TD3Fc
3. https://clck.ru/TD3GT - With family 

IGN's :
1. acidxyecoc
2. Efim Hohlov
3. Efim Medvedev
4. ZXCEfim
5. MotionDAN


Brother information : 
Full name : Medvedev Nikita
DOB : 26 Oct, 1995
Sex : Male
Age : 25 y.o
POB : Russia, Tula region, c. Kimovsk

Soc. networks : 
1. vk.com/id158621122 - Main VK page.
2. ok.ru/profile/560030329333 - Main OK.ru page. 
3. medved71russia2 - Skype.

Photos :
1. https://clck.ru/TD3WF
2. https://clck.ru/TD3Wo
3. https://clck.ru/TD3X4
4. https://clck.ru/TD3XU
5. https://clck.ru/TD3Xn


Doxed by :
1. vk.com/doxbin
2. doxbin.org/user/se7 
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