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                                 \~ | V             - minute aka lostmin                
                                  \  |                                        


victim: abwhore / kati


reason: being a retarded fuck in com LOL


name: Katelyn Rae


 - mother: positive
 - father: positive
 - siblings: positive
              -3 brothers //age: 18, 13, 11, 8//
              -2 sisters //age: 17, 7//


Nationality: american


phone number: +14176508288


last known location: 13 Lake Drive Lebanon. Mo 65536-4123, United States


friends: com hoes LOL fuckin tranny fags


video of a girl that doesent get attention


SIDE NOTE: just stop riding poeple in com ur not funny ur literally a attentionless child.


Made by minute aka lostmin