follow @doxform on instagram and my doxing partner wiz.satan

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                   ?          T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S             ?
                   ?                                                        ?
                   ?      0x01   Reasoning............................      ?
                   ?      0x02   doxform (target).....................      ?
                   ?      0x03   Database Entries.....................      ?
                   ?                                                        ?

│root@localhost:~# cat 0x01                                                                                │
The reasoning on this dox on @abusewifey is because he is a clueless skid, he claims he has correct pictures of me which he
doesn't, and he tried exposing a fake ip address knowing i have his public ip address and his local phone number. his Instagram is
@abusewifey, not to mention this kid begs me for ip pullers, to dox for him, and nets and ddos panels.

Also one last thing. This kid is completely harmless he uses other people to his advantage
he can not do literally anything on his own besides beg people for shit he doesn't have himself.
but that's all of my reasoning for now enjoy his information.

P.S. He will be being held offline and his info will publicly be leaked around the web.

│root@localhost:~# cat 0x02                                                                                 │
Name: Joshua Allen Freeman
House Phone: (559) 741-5240 (local number)
Address: 1104 Haw Branch Rd
Beulaville, NC 28518
IP Address:
Phone Numbers
(559) 741-5240 - Wireless
(678) 938-1987 - Wireless
(910) 347-6127 - Landline
(910) 938-3122 - Landline
Previous Addresses
2850 Delk Rd SE #3A
Marietta, GA 30067
(Oct 2011 - Aug 2016)
208 Gold Leaf Dr #2C
Hampstead, NC 28443
(Jun 2016)
150 Pansy Ln
Hampstead, NC 28443
(Nov 2011)
Possible Relatives
Joshua Freeman
Possible Associates
Kenneth W Vandenberg

│root@localhost:~# cat 0x03                                                                                 │
Extra Information: This is a relative he is currently in Visalia, CA. but that is his current ip address.
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