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                                                                      --ran by shah squad --

                hhhhhhh                              hhhhhhh                                                                                                 d::::::d
                h:::::h                              h:::::h                                                                                                 d::::::d
                h:::::h                              h:::::h                                                                                                 d::::::d
                h:::::h                              h:::::h                                                                                                 d:::::d 
    ssssssssss   h::::h hhhhh         aaaaaaaaaaaaa   h::::h hhhhh           ssssssssss      qqqqqqqqq   qqqqquuuuuu    uuuuuu    aaaaaaaaaaaaa      ddddddddd:::::d 
  ss::::::::::s  h::::hh:::::hhh      a::::::::::::a  h::::hh:::::hhh      ss::::::::::s    q:::::::::qqq::::qu::::u    u::::u    a::::::::::::a   dd::::::::::::::d 
ss:::::::::::::s h::::::::::::::hh    aaaaaaaaa:::::a h::::::::::::::hh  ss:::::::::::::s  q:::::::::::::::::qu::::u    u::::u    aaaaaaaaa:::::a d::::::::::::::::d 
s::::::ssss:::::sh:::::::hhh::::::h            a::::a h:::::::hhh::::::h s::::::ssss:::::sq::::::qqqqq::::::qqu::::u    u::::u             a::::ad:::::::ddddd:::::d 
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ssssss   s:::::s h:::::h     h:::::ha::::a    a:::::a h:::::h     h:::::hssssss   s:::::s q::::::q    q:::::q u:::::uuuu:::::u  a::::a    a:::::ad:::::d     d:::::d 
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  sssssssssss    hhhhhhh     hhhhhhh  aaaaaaaaaa  aaaahhhhhhh     hhhhhhh  sssssssssss        qqqqqqqq::::::q     uuuuuuuu  uuuu  aaaaaaaaaa  aaaa  ddddddddd   ddddd

ran by your shah people :)




shoutout to other shah squad members who weren't online :(

     _           _                             
    | |         | |                            
 ___| |__   __ _| |__   __ _  __ _ _ __   __ _ 
/ __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |
\__ \ | | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | | | | (_| |
|___/_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| |_|\__, |
                        __/ |             __/ |
                       |___/             |___/ 

            decent dox
            doxxed by: shah squad :)
            1.5k line dox
            this nigger cannot afford a banana as he has to pay pesos for it smh sand niggers

         | |        
     (###   ###)-.  
   .(###     ###) \ 
  /  (###   ###)   )
 (=-  .@#####@|_--"     This is a hold up! Put all your money in the
 /\    \_|l|_/ (\       disk drive slot, and no one gets hurt!
(=-\     |l|    /   
 \  \.___|l|___/    
 /\      |_|   /    
 \             /    
     #  ----  #     
     #   __   #       


|                                                                                                                                                                                 |
|                                          ┍━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┑                                                                     |
|                                          ┃                                                                ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x01 | Reasoning                                         ┃                                                                     |              
|                                          ┃       0x02 | Personal Information                              ┃                                                                     |              
|                                          ┃       0x03 | Fathers Information                               ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x04 | Phone Number Information                          ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x05 | Company Information                               ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x06 | Social Medias                                     ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x07 | Cracked Passwords                                 ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x08 | Property Information                              ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x09 | Relatives Information                             ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x10 | Fathers Credit Card Information                   ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃       0x11 | Aliases                                           ┃                                                                     |                                
|                                          ┃       0x12 | The End                                           ┃                                                                     |
|                                          ┃                                                                ┃                                                                     |                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
|                                          ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛                                                                     |
|                                                                                                                                                                                 |

┃                                                       /0x01 Reasoning\                                                                              ┃                                                                                                               


>Daniel Ellett, age 17, owns a stupid roblox "soccer" league called MRS which is bad lol. Apparently this guys dad has 5 children and one of them r his sisters 
aged 4 and 7. He once beat them up on his "MRS" discord live with his fake gucci belt for being "too noisy and annoying" while he was commentating a game. He got memed obviously 
but no one did nothing, Shah hit em up crazy while I had no time fucking ya mom, so I was like, fuck it.
This guy btw, is fucking crazy, he punched his dad because he lost a game of fifa lol
He apparently doesn't speak to his father, because he "gets" bullied lol. I'll provide evidence below here.<

I breached one of this snitch or, "rat" 69 wannabe nicknamed 96, snitching out what i was about to do to him, so my guy breached his account and got into it.
These screenshots come from the breached discord account.

	                -= Memes =-						       -= Him getting upset about getting swatted =-
                 http://prntscr.com/1tqldmx (His own father roasting him.)                https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/871514279378042932/891680367025717258/skg.png (banned me because got upset, now its pizzaman time :) )
                 http://prntscr.com/1tqln2y (Wonder why.)                                 http://prntscr.com/1tqlpjx (oh well oh well look what we have here mate)
                 http://prntscr.com/1tqloao (You can't live with it Daniel..)             http://prntscr.com/1tqm215 (another ban after one of my members told me that he's getting swatted)
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/818114236425043999/887068686131789835/image0.png   http://prntscr.com/1tqofbm (Yeah, you are. LOL!)
(Yes you do, Eve ;) )                                                                     http://prntscr.com/1tqogqb (Just listen to your friends, buddy.)
                                                                                          http://prntscr.com/1tqojag (Yeah, cause you killed your mom and you got bombs on you!)
                                                                                          https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/871514279378042932/891770250801082398/lolea.png (Yikes, you will just don't worry.)

  Broke fucking family, ugly fucking niggers, can't even afford a decent house. Your house is held up by %80 of the cockroaches so it doesn't fall off, disgusting nigger. Stay mad, bad and broke you blackie.

[><]                                   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                                                          [<>]
┃                                                    /0x02 Personal Information\                                                                      ┃                                                                                                               

  >Full Name: Daniel Ellett
  >Age: 17
  >Height Range: 5'7 - 5'9
  >DoB: 2003
  >Ethnicity: Polish/British
  >Hair Color: Brown
  >Eye Color: Blue
  >Relationship Status: Taken by a Elf
  >Ugly ass Emo Niggerish Face: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/891686144276824114/891699352031068180/medium.jpg
  >https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/818114236425043999/887055138936717332/43559311_10156762219521779_8433645280468926464_n.png - with his father -

[><]                                    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                                                          [<>]


  >Address: 28 Cavan Walk BS4 1PN  (SECURED)
  >Picture of his street: http://prntscr.com/1tqq51s
  >Postal Code: BS4 1PN
  >United Kingdom
  >Country: UK
  >City: Bristol
  >Raised in: Meare


  >Secondary School that he went to: Oasis Academy John Williams
  >Address: Petherton Road, Hengrove, Bristol, BS14 9BU
  >Phone Number: +44 1275 894680
  >Principal's Address Opens Event - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nigCSnb_rxU&ab_channel=OasisAcademyJohnWilliams
  >Oasis Community Learning
  >The Oasis Centre, 
  >1 Kennington Road,
  >SE1 7QP
  >Tel: 020 7921 4200
  >Email: ocl@oasisuk.org
  >If you would like to contact the SEND Co-ordinator, please address correspondence to Cathryn Munro either via the Academy address or by telephone or email.
  >Tel: 01275 894 680
  >Email: info@oasisjohnwilliams.org
  >Please address all correspondence for the Academy Council Chair to Jake Curtis via the Academy address or via the email below.
  >Email: jjhtcurtis@gmail.com
  >Should you require any further information on this website, including issues regarding accessibility and paper copies, please do not hesitate to contact info@oasisjohnwilliams.org
  >Ages 11 - 18


  >Education: Strode College - University
  >Phone Number: +44 1458 844400
  >Address: Strode College - Church Road BA16 0AB Street, UK 
  >City: Street Somerset
  >Director: Katy Quinn
  >LinkedIn Account: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/daniel-ellett-983951162


┃                                                    /0x03 Fathers Information\                                                                       ┃                                                                                                               

Full Name: Christopher David Ellett
DoB: •• January 1977 
Height Range: 5'7 - 5'9
Phone Number: +44 7593 817203
Ethnicity: British/Polish
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Relationship Status: Married by -(Jenny Smart)-
Director ID: 
Sic Code: 96090
Address;  28 Cavan Walk BS4 1PN (SECURED)
United Kingdom

Credit Card Brand: Visa
Credit Card: 4••• •••• •••• 9214

PDF with his information;

Old Addreses;
Addresses; 5 Results for
Christopher Ellett in Bristol


; Christopher D Ellett
; ER 2005-08
; Bristol, Avon, BS16...
; Sonia V Ellett, Sonia V Gyde

; Christopher D Ellett
; ER 2002
; Bristol, Avon, BS4...
; Louise A Bembridge

; Christopher Ellett
; ER 2002-12
; Bristol, Avon, BS4...
; Thelma L Ellett, Katie Wills, Donald R Ellett

; Christopher D Ellett
; ER 2003-04
; Bristol, Avon, BS30...
; Sonia V Gyde

; Christopher David Ellett
; Age Guide: 40-44
; Director
; Bristol, Avon, BS4...






┃                                                    /0x04 Phone Number Information\                                                                  ┃                                                                                                               

  >Fathers Phone Number: +44 7593 817203
  >NIN (SSN): N/A
  >International Dialing	+44-7593-817203
  >Local Dialing	0-7593-817203
  >Country	United Kingdom
  >Carrier	Vodafone UK
  >Language	English
  >Time Zone	+00:00 UTC, United Kingdon Time
  >Daylight Saving Time	Y
  >Lat & Long	51.500152, -0.126236

  >Mothers Phone Number: +44 7•••-9••402 (NOT SECURED)
  >NIN (SSN): N/A



┃                                                    /0x05 Company Information\                                                                       ┃                                                                                                                 

--ALERT-- HOME COMPANY! They have more than 3 companies.

Company Name: Elite Av Services LTD

About: TV Wall Mounting, Satellites, etc.

Website: https://www.eliteav.services/contact-us/

Companys Phone Number: +44 7593 817203 (COMES FROM FATHER.)

Companys PDF: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/12619079/filing-history
Appointments: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/officers/FOl2TkhJTgNlch3tS4nXzB-IARc/appointments 

Companys Old Twitter: https://twitter.com/carbodystyling

Co-Owner (WORKER)
Full Name; Anthony Daniel Cassar
DoB: February 1990

Address; 10 Bywood Terrace, Bywood Avenue, Croydon, England CR0 7RA. (SECURED)
United Kingdom

Company Name: Aerials Direct
Address: 25 Priory Road, RM3 9AP Romford
Postal Code: RM3 9AP
Phone Number: +44 1708 347257
Website: https://aerialsdirect.co.uk/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Aerials-Direct-184411741591733/ (NOT SECURED)


PDF: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/12619079/filing-history
Current Appointments
Company Name    Company Status    Position    Duration
CREATIVE TOOL COMPETITIONS LTD     Active - Newly Incorporated    Director    22/05/2020 > Present    Hide 


Registered office address
28 Cavan Walk, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS4 1PN (CONFIRMED) (HOME OFFICE ADDRESS)
Company status
Dissolved on
7 September 2021
Company type
Private limited Company
Incorporated on
12 July 2019
Nature of business (SIC)
96090 - Other service activities not elsewhere classified
ELLETT, Christopher David
Correspondence address
28 Cavan Walk, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS4 1PN
Date of birth
January 1977
Appointed on
12 July 2019
Country of residence
Television Engineer


47640 - Retail sale of sports goods, fishing gear, camping goods, boats and bicycles

MR CHRISTOPHER DAVID ELLETT is a Company Director from Bristol. This person was born in January 1977, which was over 44 years ago. MR CHRISTOPHER DAVID ELLETT is British and resident in England. This company officer is, or was, associated with at least 2 company roles.
Their most recent appointment, in our records, was to CREATIVE TOOL COMPETITIONS LTD on 2020-05-22.

28, Cavan Walk


Company Appointments - Current And Previous
CompanyName	Company Status	Role	Appointed	Appointment Status	Assets
ELITE AV SERVICES LTD	Active - Proposal to Strike off	Director	2019-07-12	CURRENT	

Companies Controlled
Company	Active from	Level of control
CREATIVE TOOL COMPETITIONS LTD	2020-05-22	Ownership of shares 25 to 50 percent
Voting rights 25 to 50 percent
Right to appoint and remove directors
ELITE AV SERVICES LTD	2019-07-12	Ownership of shares 75 to 100 percent
Voting rights 75 to 100 percent
Right to appoint and remove directors
Displaying companies where the director has shareholdings or significant control.
This may not include every company they control.
Previous company names
Previous company names
Name    Period
CTUK COMPETITIONS LTD    11 Jun 2020 - 07 Aug 2020
CARP GEAR COMPETITIONS LTD    22 May 2020 - 11 Jun 2020
Registered office address
28 Cavan Walk, Bristol, England, BS4 1PN
Company status
Company type
Private limited Company
Incorporated on
22 May 2020
First accounts made up to 31 May 2021
due by 22 February 2022


Confirmation statement
Next statement date 21 May 2022
due by 4 June 2022

Last statement dated 21 May 2021

Nature of business (SIC)
47640 - Retail sale of sports goods, fishing gear, camping goods, boats and bicycles
47990 - Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets

Related People
Name	Occupation	Address	No of Appointments
MR ANTHONY DANIEL CASSAR	Company Director	Croydon, England	1
Nearby People
Name	Occupation	Address	No of Appointments
TAIWO ADEBAYO OJETAYO	Programme Management	Bristol, England	1
MS ANNA KOPCZEWSKA	Director	Bristol	1
MS BARBARA RENATA STEZYCKA	Company Director	Bristol, England	1
MR SHAUN DAVID RAFFERTY	Financial Controller	Bristol, England	1


┃                                                    /0x06 Social Medias\                                                                             ┃                                                                                                               


  >Victims Socials:
  >Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/acc.dan/?hl=en
  >Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.ellett1 - Registrated, July 2009th. -
  >Discord Account: still dan#3817
  >Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/dellett82/
  >Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dellett82
  >Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrb2MNHSwT_9OTRP64jkPQg
  >Twitter: https://twitter.com/dan_e8
  >LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/daniel-ellett-983951162
  >South West, England Joined April 2016
  >https://twitter.com/bcfcdan03 (crypto account)
  >South West, England Joined March 2019
  >axadaxad (robloxmega)



  >Girlfriends Socials:
  >Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/eve_selway/?hl=en
  >Twitter: https://twitter.com/eveselway nice tits baby ;)
  >Joined March 2021
  >Face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/842471691018829834/887068246971387994/221626430_506185990646140_8241427696564685405_n.png



  >Fathers Socials:
  >Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chris_ellett/
  >https://twitter.com/ChrisEllett77 (old twitter)



Step Sisters Social:



Actual Sisters Social:



Step Sisters "Husband" Social:



Wife Socials:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennysmart33



Victims Father Grandfather: 



Susan Crosswell - Daughter
Victims Step Mothers Grandmother: https://www.facebook.com/maryjoyce.frew



Cousin: https://www.facebook.com/donchegs 



Uncle: https://www.facebook.com/ygray1



Cousin/Uncle: https://www.facebook.com/lukeas00 looks like a child molester lol tarzan shrek knock off



Mothers Sister: https://www.facebook.com/Blondie.Frew


Mothers Brother: https://www.facebook.com/pete.smart.39


┃                                                       /0x07 Passwords\                                                                              ┃


--Passwords from databases--

│seanhorton:updownab1       │
│                           │
│                           │
│seanhorton:qwe123456       │
│                           │
│seanhorton:nunez32         │
│                           │
│seanhorton:mustang03       │
│                           │
│seanhorton:deangelo        │
│                           │
│blondiefrew:Uni12          │
│                           │
│donchegs:simpsons          │
│                           │
│donchegs:simpsons01        │
│                           │
│ygray1:140816              │
│                           │
│ygray1:mikemader3          │
│                           │
│eveselway:sloth            │
│                           │
│                           │
│lukeas00:dufus07           │
│                           │
│lukeas00:coolcat67         │
│                           │
│robloxmega:axadaxad        │
│                           │
│AttyDan:fearless4416       │
│                           │
│attydan:d2425jmc           │


┃                                                       /0x08 Fathers Credit Card Information\                                                        ┃                                                                                                               

                                                    ;Credit Card Brand: Visa                      ;
                                                    ;Credit Card: 4••• •••• •••• 9214             ;

┃                                                       /0x09 Relatives Information\                                                                  ┃                                                                                                               


Jake D Ellett
ER 2021
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS15...


Angela Christine Ellett
ER 2002-12, 2014-21
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS31...
Kevin Richard Ellett, Ryan A Ellett, Kevin R Ellett


Kevin Richard Ellett
ER 2002-12, 2014-21
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS31...
Angela Christine Ellett, Angela C Ellett, Ryan A Ellett


Ryan A Ellett
ER 2011-12, 2014-21
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS31...
Kevin Richard Ellett, Angela Christine Ellett, Angela C Ellett ...


Thelma L Ellett
ER 2002-21
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS4...
Katie Wills, Donald R Ellett, Christopher Ellett


Lesley A Ellett
ER 2002-08, 2012-21
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS30...


Dennis D Ellett
ER 2002-16, 2018-21
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS16...


Jacob A Ellett
ER 2010, 2012-17
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS39...
Gwen A Audas, Michael R Ellett


Jake D Ellett
ER 2018
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS37...


Christopher D Ellett
ER 2005-08
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS16...
Sonia V Ellett, Sonia V Gyde


Sonia V Ellett
ER 2006-08, 2013
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS16...
Christopher D Ellett


Christopher D Ellett
ER 2002
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS4...
Louise A Bembridge


Christopher Ellett
ER 2002-12
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS4...
Thelma L Ellett, Katie Wills, Donald R Ellett


Donald R Ellett
ER 2002-15
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS4...
Thelma L Ellett, Katie Wills, Christopher Ellett


Dennis D Ellett
ER 2016-17
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS31...


Christopher D Ellett
ER 2003-04
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS30...
Sonia V Gyde


Jacob A Ellett
ER 2009-10
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS6...
Alex M Ray, Fran H Hopkins


Michaela K Ellett
ER 2002
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS39...
Edward B Ashley


Michaela K Ellett
ER 2007-08
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS6...
Nathan D Dumble, Luca J Dumble


Michael Roy Ellett
ER 2004-06, 2009-10, 2012-19
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS39...
Jacob A Ellett, Gwen A Audas, Gwendoline A Audas


Christopher David Ellett
Age Guide: 40-44
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS4...
View this record


Ann Patricia Ellett
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS15...


Ann P Ellett
ER 2002-08
Address: Bristol, Avon, BS15...


┃                                                       /0x10 Property Information\                                                                   ┃                                                                                                               


Latitude: 51.4305 / 51°25'49"N
Longitude: -2.592 / 2°35'31"W
OS Eastings: 358942
OS Northings: 170330
OS Grid: ST589703
Location Encoding
Mapcode National: GBR C8V.R1
Mapcode Global: VH88V.192R
Plus Code: 9C3VCCJ5+56
Maidenhead Locator System: IO81qk83
What Three Birds: moorhen.chaffinch.eider


Cavan Walk, Bristol BS4 1PN



BS4 1PN is a residential postcode in Filwood Park, Bristol. It was first introduced in January 1980.
The most common council tax band is B.
Residential buildings are typically semi-detached and terraced (including end-terrace). Domestic properties are primarily houses.
Estimated residential property values, based on historical transactions and adjusted for inflation, range from £83,660 to £199,931 with an average of £151,435.
Residential buildings were typically constructed between 1930 and 1949 and between 1950 and 1966.
None of the residential properties sold since 1995 have been new builds or newly converted.
Domestic properties are mostly a mix of owner occupied, social housing and privately rented.
The most common Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings are C and D.
Bristol is a city, which had a population of 535,907 in the 2011 census.
In the 2011 census, there were 71 people resident in BS4 1PN, of which 29 were male and 42 were female. This includes overnight visitors as well as permanent residents.
BS4 1PN is in the Bristol travel to work area. NHS services are provided by the Bristol Primary Care Trust.
BS4 1PN is approximately 50m (164ft) above sea level.


Office of National Statistics Output Area Classification for the area containing BS4 1PN

8d2: Hard-Pressed Living - Migration and Churn - Hard-Pressed Ethnic Mix

Office of National Statistics Rural/Urban classification for BS4 1PN

England C1: a town or city, surrounded by populated countryside

Healthy Living Index

3/10 (Low)

Neighbourhood Retail Diversity Index

10/10 (Very high)

Area Retail Diversity Index

8/10 (High)


Supermarkets near BS4 1PN include Aldi, Asda, Co-Operative Food, Costcutter, Farmfoods, Iceland, Lidl, Waitrose, Londis, M&S Simply Food, Morrisons, Sainsbury's and Tesco. (Source: Open Streetmap)
Other nearby postcodes
Clonmel Road BS4 1PW
Glyn Vale BS3 5JE
Glyn Vale BS3 5JF
Donegal Road BS4 1PL
Kildare Road BS4 1PR
Lurgan Walk BS4 1PP
Donegal Road BS4 1PJ
Kenmare Road BS4 1PE
Kenmare Road BS4 1PG


BS4 1PN at other websites
Air quality forecast for BS4 1PN at Smogwatch
Sunrise and sunset times at BS4 1PN at The Time and Place
River levels and flood warnings near BS4 1PN at River Levels UK
Listed Buildings near BS4 1PN at British Listed Buildings
Food Hygiene Ratings near BS4 1PN at Hygiene Ratings UK
Nearest beaches to BS4 1PN at British Beaches
Electric vehicle charge points near BS4 1PN at Plugpoint
See which government petitions are popular near BS4 1PN at Repetition.me
Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) near BS4 1PN at UPRN Data UK


Councils, constituencies and elected representatives
Residents of BS4 1PN are represented at different levels of local, regional and national government by elected representatives. Where known, these are shown here.
This data is updated approximately monthly, and may not necessarily take account of the results of any elections held recently. Please bear that in mind following the elections of 6th May this year. We will try to get the new data on site as soon as possible.
Unitary Authority
Bristol City Council
Christopher Jackson (Labour)
Zoe Goodman (Labour)
United Kingdom Parliament
Bristol South
Karin Smyth (Labour)


Broadband Internet
Ofcom publishes annual statistics for Broadband availability. This is the most recent data for BS4 1PN.

Full fibre availability%
Ultrafast broadband availability100%
Superfast broadband availability100%
Premises unable to receive 30Mbits/s0%
Premises unable to receive 10Mbits/s0%
Premises unable to receive 5Mbits/s0%
Premises unable to receive 2Mbits/s0%
Premises below Universal Service Obligation0%

Ultrafast: 300Mbit/s or greater
Superfast: 30Mbit/s to less than 300Mbit/s
Universal Service Obligation: Download speeds at or above 10Mbit/s and upload speeds at or above 1Mbit/s


The most recent Ofsted rankings for schools near BS4 1PN.

Oasis Academy Connaught

Melvin Square, Knowle West, Bristol, BS4 1NH

Academy Sponsor Led

Ages 3 - 11

Needs improvement

Victoria Park Primary School

Atlas Road, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 4QS

Community School

Ages 4 - 11


School of Christ The King Catholic Primary

Hartcliffe Road, Filwood Park, Bristol, BS4 1HD

Voluntary Aided School

Ages 5 - 11


Parson Street Primary School

Bedminster Road, Bedminster, Bristol, BS3 5NR

Academy Converter

Ages 3 - 11


Greenfield E-Act Primary Academy

Novers Lane, Knowle West, Bristol, Bristol, BS4 1QW

Academy Converter

Ages 3 - 11


St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School

Somerset Square, Bristol, BS1 6RT

Voluntary Aided School

Ages 11 - 18


Bedminster Down School

Donald Road, Bedminster Down, Bristol, BS13 7DQ

Academy Converter

Ages 11 - 16


Oasis Academy John Williams

Petherton Road, Hengrove, Bristol, BS14 9BU

Academy Sponsor Led

Ages 11 - 18


Bristol Cathedral Choir School

College Square, Bristol, BS1 5TS

Academy Sponsor Led

Ages 11 - 18


Merchants' Academy

Gatehouse Avenue, Withywood, Bristol, BS13 9AJ

Academy Sponsor Led

Ages 3 - 18


Bridge Learning Campus


Academy Sponsor Led

Ages 3 - 16


St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School

Fossedale Avenue, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 9LS

Voluntary Aided School

Ages 11 - 16


Ashton Park School

Blackmoor's Lane, Bower Ashton, Bristol, BS3 2JL

Foundation School

Ages 11 - 18


Cotham School

Cotham Lawn Road, Cotham, Bristol, BS6 6DT

Academy Converter

Ages 11 - 18


The City Academy Bristol

Russell Town Avenue, Bristol, BS5 9JH

Academy Sponsor Led

Ages 11 - 18


The overall school grade in this area is high.


Government Statistical Service (GSS) Codes for BS4 1PN
Super Output Area, Lower LayerE01014584Bristol 045E
Super Output Area, Middle LayerE02003056Bristol 045
Local Authority WardE05010898Filwood
Local AuthorityE06000023Bristol
RegionE12000009South West
Westminster Parliamentary ConstituencyE14000601Bristol South
European Electoral RegionE15000009South West
Primary Care OrganisationE16000139Bristol
Police Force AreaE23000036Avon and Somerset
Travel to Work AreaE30000180Bristol
Built-up AreaE34004965Bristol
Built-up Area sub-divisionE35001261Bristol
Local Enterprise PartnershipE37000037West of England
Clinical Commissioning GroupE38000222NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG
NHS England RegionE40000006South West
Sustainability and Transformation PartnershipE54000039Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire
Cancer AllianceE56000015Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon and Gloucestershire


1 Cavan Walk
Bristol, Avon, BS4 1PN
The last sale of this property was before 1995.


Outstanding:	1	2
Good:	4	3
Requires Improvement:	1	1
Inadequate:	0	0
Number of crimes:	11 <
Most Common:	Violence and sexual offences (6) < lol
Within:	0.2 Miles
Period:	Feb 2021
Petrol Stations:	16
Take Aways:	77
Convenience Stores:	65
Within:	5.0 Miles
There have been 136 planning applications within 0.5 mile(s) of this property in the last 5 years.

Sample application:
First floor extension to side of existing house with open carport below.


┃                                                       /0x11 Aliases\                                                                                ┃                                                                                                               


Victims Aliases;

; Old Alias - megabigbox12, imchloe, attydan, megabigbox12, megabigmelon12, helpmeO_o, ImChIoe, atari_controller, Co_utinho, MicrocrystaIIlization, microwave_8, DanieILCFC, chloe_03, Iechpoznan, DanOn200ms, betterameerium, flamedan2, danichiya


; New Alias - dan, abatosdan, lallana.


┃                                                       /0x12 The End...\                                                                             ┃                                                                                                               

                                                 ✗ Credits     
                                          • Vital for the template.                      

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      ` (|           |) `
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shah▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░█[      CREDITS                  ]█░░▓

                                                                   We would like to thank you for boarding onto Shah Airlines.                                                                                                                                                
            _\ _~-\___                                                                                                    
    =  = ==(___Shah___)                                                                                                                         
                \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._                              Captain: ebkmafik                                               
                /     o O o o o o O O o o o o o o O o  |\_                            Co-Captain: Overlord                               
                `~-.__        ___..----..                  )                          Flight Engineer: ph0bia                
                      `---~~\___________/------------`````                            Flight Attendant: loggergod                                                                      
                      =  ===(_________D                                                                                                                        

                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^CREDITS TO VILE FOR THE SICK TEMPLATE^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


████████╗██╗░░██╗███████╗  ███████╗███╗░░██╗██████╗░░░░░░░░░░
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| p.s Daniel, I hit your girl up on instagram and I swear she just wanted to gag on my cock and wanted me to fuck her hardly yesterday.   |


  ██████  ██░ ██  ▄▄▄       ██░ ██      ██████   █████   █    ██  ▄▄▄      ▓█████▄     ▒█████   █     █░███▄    █   ██████    ▓██   ██▓ ▒█████   █    ██    ▓█████▄  ▄▄▄       ███▄    █  ██▓▓█████  ██▓    
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 ██▓  ██▓  ██▓ 
 ▒▓▒  ▒▓▒  ▒▓▒ 
 ░▒   ░▒   ░▒  
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print('get ran you fucking nignog hold the L clown', end=' ')


get ran you fucking nignog hold the L clown 

                                                                         shah squad rising up!