~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|Starstable Pedophile (AnonymCheats,Zyzz,ìClowned,Zuey,Asshack)|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Chapter - About Him (Name, Links etc.) 
|| Chapter - Residence 
||| Chapter - Messages, Pictures & Evidence
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Chapter - About Him ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
First Name: Florian               ┊
Last Name: Lehmann                ┊
Age: 23 Years old                 ┊
Phone Number: +49 159 06105259    ┊
His face:                         ┊
https://snipboard.io/iMoGpm.jpghttps://snipboard.io/6UQvtq.jpghttps://snipboard.io/tj5fUa.jpg   ┊
Previous nicknames/usernames: ZueyGaming, Zyzz, OfficialZuey, FloAwesome, HQPremium, ZombieExploite, BuubiesHax
Newer names: DaddyHax, ìClowned, Anonymcheats 
Discord Tag: ZyzzFan#1337 (How many more times do you want to change your identity?)
https://snipboard.io/706WHn.jpg (Good Joke little one) 
Server Link: https://discord.gg/noahcheats
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ianonymcheats?lang=de-DE (So, did you buy likes?)
Statement: https://www.tiktok.com/@ianonymcheats/video/7204464729169956101?lang=de-DE (GG, my friend. You've forgotten the sad music)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@i_Zyzz 
Website: https://urlaub-spass-freunde.deinsh.eu/
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ || Chapter - Residence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Location: Kaltenkirchen, Hamburg 
Country: Germany 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ||| Chapter - Messages, Pictures & Evidence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
???????????????????????????????? & ????????????????????????????????!
Shes right! (Shame on you, retarded son of a dog)
You want to tell us all that if you do your "+ admin" we have to do everything you want?!
Your team? The 2 lapdogs? 
Why don't you censor the entire interface, that would save us all a visit to the ophthalmologist!
+ 16? Probably didn't do any business because you downgraded it to + 14! 
Oh so!
Other shit:
Weird af bro!
Admin Shit:

He stresses and urges people to send him n0des:
https://snipboard.io/1beM9h.jpg (If you don't, you've wasted his "time") kms 

He leaks the numbers of the people he doesn't like!

I never recommend sending n0des or anything else here is to see what can come out of it:
https://snipboard.io/02mtpU.jpg (In all seriousness, who shit in your brain?)

The worst act he has committed is that he raped a 12 year old girl. See for yourself!
(I hope you burn in hell to do such a cruel thing to a 12 year old girl who has her whole life ahead of her!)
My words for you:
No matter how many affected people will see this. Eventually, he will receive his just punishment. Come what may! If such things happen to you again, don't hesitate, go to the police and report it!

[Helper: Syl] - Thank you!