1st check: https://t.me/Glockomaxd 
Name: Victoria Schegoleva
POR : Russia, Moscow, Salam Adil street House 2 building 2 floor 33 apartment 156
Prone Number : +7 966 364-18-76 
VK : https://vk.com/nastyaaaaaaaahaaaa
INST : https://instagram.com/baaaaaanka?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Discord : викоша#7853
Lives with mother, father and younger brother. 

Phone Number : +79779476010 
INST :https://instagram.com/glinskijdaniil259?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
VK : https://vk.com/i.bloodborn
Discord : Даниил_01#2075
Zenly : https://zen.ly/Dragondon

Maybe I'll add more info later.

Why are you looking for some kind of divine providence in yourself, in the fact that I want to crush you.
I just have a hobby of crushing such dumb-headed mediocrity. If you think that you really have at least features and uniqueness, just smash your head on the table.