[ #HUNTERS                                                                #HUNTERS                                                                         #HUNTERS ]

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                             Buck Daniel Riley, otherwise known as Toggle the Rat, is an open zoophile and hosts a podcast titled “Zooier Than Thou”Archive where he
 and his new co-host talk about all things animal rape. Buck was previously the co-host to Doughless Spink, notoriously dangerous zoophile and cocaine smuggler who's been 
busted in the past numerous times for his bullshit and even got busted running a bestiality Brothel and so much more. Check out his thread or watch Toad McKinley's videos on 
him. On an episode of their podcast, Spink brought that he was suspicious of Toggle being a part of the zoosadist ring that our old pals Kero and Snakething/Levi were busted in.
Toggle denies this, and as of right now, we have no proof one way or the other. After Spink's demise from anal cancer sometime last year, Buck took up the helm for the podcast 
which he continues to this day. One of his favorite things to do is try and push zoophilia as a legitimate sexuality that should be included in the alphabet soup of the LGBT+. Buck,
you and your kind are not welcome, and never will be. He identifies as gay and is married to a cow that has his own thread here, Trevor Rush aka Tempest Panda. Trevor  apparently isn't
a zoophile, but he knows and is completely fine with Bucks dog-diddling. He is also BDSM coach, whatever the hell that means. Because of his marriage to Trevor, Toggle may also go by 
Buck Daniel Rush. As much as Buck likes to keep his privacy more hidden than some other zoos, he's left a trail of breadcrumbs big enough for some very hungry Kiwis to follow.
- s0mbra Kiwi Farms user

[ #HUNTERS                                                                BASIC INFO                                                                       #HUNTERS ]
  »        Full Name:  Charles Alexander Berry
  »        Age:   32 years 10 months 18 days
                  394 months 18 days
                  1715 weeks 5 days
                  12,010 days
                  288,240 hours
                  17,294,400 minutes
                  1,037,664,000 seconds
  »        Date Of Birth:  16 May 1989
  »        Home Address:  4299 Aloha Ave, Memphis, Tennessee, 38118  (Current) 
                          4381 Powell Ave #HASH Memphis, TN 38122 
                          3467 Southern Ave Apt 3, Memphis, TN 38111-8309
                          5353 Sea Isle Rd, Memphis, TN 38119-5907
                          7255 Eggleston Rd, Memphis, TN 38125-2110
                          2586 Union Ave, Memphis, TN 38112-4423
                          103 S Humes St, Memphis, TN 38111-1917
  »        Ethnicity:  Asain  
  »        Education:  White Station High School - Memphis, TN (2003 - 2007)
                       University of Memphis - Memphis, TN (2007 - ?) 
  »        IRLs:      
  »        Emails:  wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Mobile Number(s):  1 (901) 257-9653 (current)
                              1 (901) 574-1070 
»         Password: zeinluto1989
           Usernames:  BuckR12
                       Buck Riley
[ #HUNTERS                                                                EMAILS AND PASSWORDS                                                             #HUNTERS ]
  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Hashed Password: 396355715b477b6fcbc6728290fe34577cdaa52e                      

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Username: BuckR12                     
  »        Hashed Password: 0f9a6b015fd6b4342a1011f288d3298ef7866ebc     

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Password: zeinluto                                 

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Password: zeinluto1989

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Username: 4d0ae5579f                            
  »        Hashed Password: 8f5a4f1f044d6b6d0e2c1a12c5ee9c00     

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Username: leftpawlogic                     
  »        Password: zeinluto1989               

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Username: exit_mouse                     
  »        Password: number1item     

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Username: huskyindenial                     
  »        Password: zeinluto1989     

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Username: huskyindenial                     
  »        Hashed Password: 0xB959B3810BC8C840C7B23551A0CF4737E62469C6            

  »        Name: Buck Riley
  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com                                 

  »        Name: Buck        
  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Username: buckddogtranr
  »        Password: zeinluto1989
  »        I.P. Address:

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com
  »        Password: zeinluto

  »        Email: wiredwolf@gmail.com        
  »        Password: zeinluto19
[ #HUNTERS                                                                SOICALS                                                                          #HUNTERS ]
  »       Twitter 1: https://twitter.com/OneBigGrumpyRa
  »       Twitter 2: https://twitter.com/buckdanielriley?lang=e
  »       Twitter 3: https://twitter.com/SmoochThisPooc
  »       Twitter 4: https://twitter.com/Exit_Mouse?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor (Band
  »       Twitter 5: https://twitter.com/ZooierThanThou?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor (podcast he runs
  »       Tumblr: https://huskyindenial.tumblr.com
  »       Inkbunny: https://inkbunny.net/Buc
  »       Steam:  https://steamcommunity.com/id/huskyindenia
  »       Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/husky-in-denia
  »       Twitch:  https://www.twitch.tv/huskyindenia
  »       Pastebin:  https://pastebin.com/u/togglera
  »       Reddit:  https://www.reddit.com/user/togglera
  »       Ultimate-Guitar: https://ultimate-guitar.com/u/huskyindenia
  »       Vimeo:  https://vimeo.com/huskyindenia
  »       Bandcamp:  https://www.bandcamp.com/huskyindenia
  »       Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buck.rile
  »       Gravatar: http://en.gravatar.com/huskyindenia
  »       Imgur:  https://imgur.com/user/huskyindenia
  »       FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/buc
  »       Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/~buc
  »       Livejournal:  https://huskyindenial.livejournal.com
  »       Livejournal 2: https://leftpawlogic.livejournal.com
  »       Freesound: https://freesound.org/people/togglerat
  »       Keybase:  https://keybase.io/togglera
  »       Trello:  https://trello.com/togglera
  »       Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Toggle-Ra
  »       Academia: https://independent.academia.edu/togglera
  »       Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AutisticWol
  »       Bandcamp: https://huskyindenial.bandcamp.com
  »       Bandcamp 2: https://exitmouse.bandcamp.com
  »       Myspace: https://myspace.com/huskyindenia
  »       Telegram: https://t.me/onebiggrumpyra
  »       Telegram 2: https://t.me/togglera
  »       Wordpress:  https://huskyindenial.wordpress.com
  »       Gfycat:  https://gfycat.com/@huskyindenia
  »       Metacritic: https://www.metacritic.com/user/huskyindenia
  »       Japan Forum: http://www.japanforum.com/forum/members/buckthewolf.html
  »       AIM: wolf on the wir
  »       MSN Messenger: wolf_on_the_wired@hotmail.co
  »       Yahoo: huskyindenia
  »       Skype: huskyindenia
  »       Second Life: Buck Berr
  »       Nintendo Wiiu ID: HuskyInDenia
  »       Playstation: HuskyInDenial (No stored IP)
[ #HUNTERS                                                                CREDITS                                                                          #HUNTERS ]