"You have to learn the rules of the game, to play better then anyone else"
-Dropped by: vix
-Reason: sexaul acts with a 10 year old
--- personal shit --- 
-Full name: Zoe Laverne Pemberton
-race: white
-Phone number:N/A
-Dob: june 3ed 2001(19)
-Picture: https://anonfiles.com/13v5r2m4pb/Screenshot_2020-11-03_051738_png
-Alias: zoey 
--- location ---
-Address: 4274 Blackwood Ct Greenwood
-zip code: 46143
-City: Johnson County
-State: Indiana
--- social media accounts ---
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/realzoelaverne
-tik tok: zoelaverne
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoexlaverne/?hl=en
-Snapchat: zoelaverne13
---family info---
-start mom-
-Full name: Debbie Pemberton
-race: white
-end mom-

-start dad-
-Full name: Doug Wright
-race: white
-end dad-
-notes: zoey you are a pedo and you should be held against your crimes. and get cancer fucking faggot