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Before we get started I just wanted to say this weirdo has been harrasing people online for almost a year now,
He's a mod in one of the biggest servers on discord, 
And what he does is abuses his power to be able to convince MINORS TO SEND HIM PICS, 
I have nothing wrong with the LGBTQ Community but people like this ruin it for me, 
He Sits and abuses his mod powers, along with telling them he's 16 to get little kids to send him pictures boys in specific
and its honestly sickening, So Were gonna go ahead and teach this creep a lesson.


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Name: Jahiem O'Hara
Age: 19
Sexuality: Born A Male (Unsure His LGBTQ STATUS)
Race: African-American
Aliases: https.jahs, Zeno, ItsZzzeno_, ItsZeno_, Jahiem, Jah, Dopey_Zzz
Places Lived: Amarillo, Texas, Houston, Texas
Currently Lives: Houston, Texas
Address: 12026 Laneview Dr, Houston, TX 77070
Picture Of House: https://ibb.co/QXWrx3m
Photo Of Him: https://ibb.co/vqnqm2v
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/https.jahs/
Snapchat: jah_oha14
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/itszzzeno_
Discord: Zeno#1448 (He'll Prolly Change It Once He Sees This)
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198979431652
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrF10ZSyllEOLtzQtKiXbtA
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Mother's Name: Ashley E Ohara
Mother's Age: 37
Mother's Address: 12026 Laneview Dr Houston, Texas 77070 (Same As His)
Mother's Work: Noel Home Health Care
Mother's Work Address: 9888 Bissonnet St # 480, Houston, TX 77036
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Grandpa's Name: James Brooks Ohara
Grandpa's Age: Late 60's
Grandpa's Address: 13902 Oak Spring Rd Cypress, TX 77429
Grandpa's Used To Live: Saint Petersburg, FL
                        Houston, TX
                        Tampa, FL
                        San Antonio, TX
                        Bradenton, FL
Granpa's Numbers: (214) 370-3123, (713) 993-6813
Picture Of Grandpa's House: https://ibb.co/sPXd791
Uncle's Name: Sean Ohara
Uncle's Age: Late 30's
Uncle's Address: 501 Rafael Blvd NE Saint Petersburg, FL 33704
Uncle Used To Live: Bradenton, FL
                    Houston, TX
                    Tampa, FL
                    Cypress, TX
                    Huntsville, TX
Uncle's Number: (281) 655-1172, (713) 862-5555
Picture Of Uncle's House: https://ibb.co/SdwGymP
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Email's: declangaming@gmail.com devcn0@gmail.com enzoallais@gmail.com gamingytzeno@gmail.com imzenomc@gmail.com 
jinhyung920@gmail.com kelkun57000@hotmail.fr lastonepiece@live.com neskrudy66@gmail.com no@no.com nyte_sinner@live.com 
tor.sp@hotmail.no webface30@gmail.com yanis2005@gmail.com zeno@maildrop.cc

Known Passwords: Zeno023, ItzZeno023*#
Hope you enjoy the dox Zeno, Next time dont fuck with minors

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