This person is honestly really annoying. He keeps spamming false info about people knowing its fake on twitter.

(all public info)
- Dwayne Thompson
- State: Ohio
- Country: America
- Age: 62 (or 56 but most sources say its 62)
- Birth Date: November 30th 1960
- Google Maps:

- 26387 Brush Ave, Euclid, OH
- Cleveland OH
- 7033 Russell Ct, Cleveland, OH 44103
- Memphis TN (least likely his)
Not sure yet which one is his current and which ones are false

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- (216) 431-1703 (Maybe Current)
- (216) 659- (idk the rest but I think this is the current)
- (216) 441- (idk the rest)
- (216) 432- (idk the rest)
- (216) 881-5785
not sure which ones are actually working

- Gmail: (comfirmed I think)
- (maybe)
- (prob not)

- unknown

Twitter: @ZonedTapz
Doxbin: (he uses a anonymous account)
Youtube: @ZonedTapz (prob not his)
Facebook: Dwayne Thompson (maybe)