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> Full Name: James Lee Dorathy

> Aliases: zero, ZEROVR, niggervr, jdorathy, kkkgt

> Personal Emails: james.dorathy@icloud.com, james.dorathy1@icould.com, jamesleedorathy@icloud.com, james.dorathy3@icloud.com

> Current Home Address: 14244 Kinley Rd Ward, AR 72176

> Home Value: $300,000 (USD)

> Age 16
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 > Name: Joshua Drew Dorathy
 > Phone Number: (501) 941-0548
 > Age: 34 (November 1989)
 > CURRENT HOME ADDRESS: 14244 Kinley Rd Ward AR 72176 
 > Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joshua.dorathy/

Background Report for Joshua Drew Dorathy in Ward, AR (Arkansas)

Joshua Drew Dorathy is 34 years old and was born in November of 1989. Currently Joshua lives at the address 14244 Kinley Rd, Ward AR 72176. Joshua has lived at this Ward, AR address for about 15 years, after moving in around November of 2008.

 Joshua previously lived at 14556 Kinley Rd, Ward AR 72176 for 1 year, starting in March of 2010.

Public records do not indicate that Joshua Drew Dorathy is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Joshua: Ashley Dorathy(33), Justin Dorathy(32), Kate Dorathy(29), Morgan Dorathy(21), Ted Dorathy(66), Terry Carter(59), Terry Carter(61), Adam Smith(39), Barbara Dorathy(58), Barbara Summers(62) and Branden Smith(29).

Joshua's current phone number is (501) 941-0548. This Landline number was issued by 'CenturyTel of Central Arkansas LLC dba CenturyLink', first reported in public records on August of 2010.
 > Name: Ashley Nicole Dorathy
 > Phone Number: (870) 224-6414 
 > Age: 33 (September 1990)
 > CURRENT HOME ADDRESS: 329 Wooten Ln Mc Rae, AR 72102

Background Report for Ashley N Dorathy in Mc Rae, AR (Arkansas)

Ashley N Dorathy is 33 years old and was born in September of 1990. Currently Ashley lives at the address 329 Wooten Ln, Mc Rae AR 72102. Ashley has lived at this Mc Rae, AR address for about 13 years, after moving in around June of 2011. 

Ashley previously lived at Po Box 106, Higginson AR 72068 for 6 years, starting in July of 2013. Going further back, starting in November of 2008, Ashley lived at 14244 Kinley Rd, Ward AR 72176 for 2 years. 
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How old is Joshua Drew Dorathy?

Joshua Dorathy is 34 years old, and was born in November of 1989.

Where does Joshua Dorathy live currently?

Joshua Dorathy's current address is 14244 Kinley Rd, Ward AR 72176. Joshua has lived there for about 15 years, since November of 2008.

Who is related to Joshua Dorathy?

Joshua Dorathy is likely related to the following people: Ashley Dorathy, Justin Dorathy, Kate Dorathy, Morgan Dorathy, Ted Dorathy, Terry Carter, Terry Carter, Adam Smith, Barbara Dorathy, Barbara Summers, Branden Smith

What is the best phone number for Joshua Dorathy?

Joshua Dorathy's latest phone number is a landline at (501) 941-0548.

Is Joshua Dorathy alive today?

Yes! Joshua Dorathy is living today.

Does Joshua Dorathy go by any other names or aliases?

Joshua Dorathy may also go by the following names or aliases: Joshua Dorathy

Who does Joshua Dorathy associate with?

The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Joshua Dorathy: Charles Omuemu, Daryl Walls, Jacob Cavender, James Nash, John Stage, Kenneth Tippitt, Kirt Vanvoorst, Michael Maberry, Nathaniel Caldwell, Richard Moody, Tiffany Hodge

Where did Joshua Dorathy live previously?

Joshua Dorathy was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 14556 Kinley Rd, Ward AR 72176

What phone numbers have been used by Joshua Dorathy?

We show just one phone number for Joshua Dorathy: (501) 941-0548


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                                             "Y88P"                                                                                                               "Y88P"  

How old is Ashley N Dorathy?
Ashley Dorathy is 33 years old, and was born in September of 1990.

Where does Ashley Dorathy live currently?
Ashley Dorathy's current address is 329 Wooten Ln, Mc Rae AR 72102. Ashley has lived there for about 13 years, since June of 2011.

Who is related to Ashley Dorathy?
Ashley Dorathy is likely related to the following people: Joshua Dorathy, Justin Dorathy, Ted Dorathy, Terry Carter, Terry Carter, Barbara Dorathy, Elizabeth Leach, Glen Carter, Jack Dorathy, Kate Dorathy, Kenzie Helm

What is the best phone number for Ashley Dorathy?
Ashley Dorathy's latest phone number is a wireless number at (870) 224-6414.

Is Ashley Dorathy alive today?
Yes! Ashley Dorathy is living today.

Does Ashley Dorathy go by any other names or aliases?
Ashley Dorathy may also go by the following names or aliases: Ashley Dorathy, Ashley N Dorothy, Ashley Dorothy, Ahsley Dorathy

Who does Ashley Dorathy associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Ashley Dorathy: Randy Shepard, Angela Winders, Amanda Robinson, Amber Burnes, Bobby Tippitt, Brandi Caddell, Brandie Burden, Dakota Brown, David Kappel, Donna Tippitt, Logan Caddell

Where did Ashley Dorathy live previously?
Ashley Dorathy was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | Po Box 106, Higginson AR 72068 | 14244 Kinley Rd, Ward AR 72176 | 112 Marshall St, Mc Rae AR 72102

What phone numbers have been used by Ashley Dorathy?
Ashley Dorathy has been registered with the following phone numbers: (870) 224-6414, (501) 259-9688, (501) 827-2287, (501) 941-0356


