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(The youtube channel is deleted, he might return one day with a different channel or something.)

This is a dox on an fnf YouTuber who watches Roblox porn with 17k subscribers. His fans are autistic and like an fnf mod called Dave and Bambi, they
make their own fan"songs" that are just a bunch of car engine noises.

The kid is called Your Average FNF Pro, YAFNFP for short.

1. All info here is confirmed to be accurate, yafnfp confirmed it himself.
2. This is not breaking the TOS.
3. He was born in 2007. But acts like  10 year old clearly.

_-Social Medias (Everything known so far)-_

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/YourAverageFNFPro (Defeated)
Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/YAFNFP/ (Deleted)
Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/3233225077/profile/ (Quit?)
Gmail: toseeherenothing71@gmail.com (Deleted)
Discord: [Old: Your Average FNF Pro#2719 DELETED] [New: Your Average FNF Pro#5441 QUIT]
GameBanana (UNSURE): https://gamebanana.com/members/1914235
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/yafnfp (Quit?)
Doxbin: https://doxbin.org/user/yafnfp
TikTok (UNSURE): https://www.tiktok.com/@youraveragefnfpro?lang=en


_-Lies about the new Discord account-_

So when yafnfp got his PC taken away by his parents, he has been very inactive. Ending up getting his PC back, once he got it back
he started saying that he quit Discord, and then a day after he made his new account. Taking down his whole old server, and getting a new
refresh. Since that, yafnfp has started to act a little more like he has done in the dms to people.

(Yafnfp saying "ah yes" to a really cursed video) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1019126898921586709/1019127244377030716/ew.png?width=688&height=400

After creating his new account, he went full anonymous mode and lied on his posts about that alt account to get away with his actions.
Sadly, his fans believe him. But it has been confirmed by yafnfp himself saying that he doesn't want them to know he's using Discord.

Lie #1: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxuqmfHY-rJ-JXeWofVb31XDmcQCH4_cTR (He made this post right after he got his PC back and made his new account,
he forgot to add something to the actual post so he commented that someone could be "impersonating" him. And that's where people started to
believe that his account was "fake".)
Lie #2: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxgabX0IR7LR_tq6HLWDiQXFUvowvfZPZI (He entered his old account, changed a few stuff, and deleted his
old server. He also changed his "about me". And then took a screenshot of his mail showing that his new account friended his old and started
to say that "he might do some extremely bad stuff" which is just an excuse. Also, he keeps pointing fingers at people that don't even own the account.


_-Racist and offensive-_

Yafnfp is racist and offensive, saying the n-word multiple times to being very offensive against Russia and other countries. We do have some screenshots
but keep in mind that we don't have everything really.
1. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1018964709405364344/1019126803689906236/yafnfplol4.png?width=293&height=58
(Yafnfp straight up saying the n-word after announcing that he would never say it again)
2. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1019126898921586709/1019140829593477130/lmaooo.png?width=1024&height=373
(Old image, but it still proves that he has said it before)
The announcement: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1019126898921586709/1019140570976886814/yafnfplol3.png?width=1024&height=80

also, there was a time when yafnfp would go into his server with an alt that was overpowered with roles and he started calling random people slurs.
And then in the end, he got caught lmao.
Screenshot: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1019126898921586709/1019127382742925342/yafnfplol1.png?width=485&height=165
Admitted that it was him: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1019126898921586709/1019127458538213487/yafnfplol2.png?width=467&height=326

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For such a toddler, it would make sense if he is hated. Only the autistic furries simp over this crybaby. Yafnfp was targeted by UAF (before known as
The Baron's Men AKA Mehatrovi Baronia), with yafnfp being the main target. Thanks to them, his old server is gone and we have some of his information.

The other thing is that hate channels have started to appear around Youtube, not many but It often channels from different UAF (Baron's Men) members.
Making hate/expose videos of yafnfp. These channels could be good to gather info about yafnfp.


_-Roblox porn addict-_

Clearly, he is watching Roblox porn. There are many screenshots and proofs. Even the fact though his computer is getting taken away by his parents for
probably getting caught, yafnfp even said that he has been caught multiple times and got his computer taken away. The Roblox porn thing is also one
of the most known stuff that yafnfp is hated/made fun of for.


_-Real life identity-_

Gender: Male
No info YET


_-The dox-_
Canada, Sherwood Park
136 Darlington Dr
North America
53°33'06"N 113°15'52"W
T8H 1R7

School: Clover Bar Junior High School
50 Main Blvd, Sherwood Park, AB T8A 0R2, Canada

Dox by Mazov from the UAF

If you want to be a part of the UAF, make sure to look them up around the internet, once you find them
you can contact them to join their journey.
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