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What happened ? First we met Yann on the french site https://coco.fr where a bunch of pedos are hunting for childs.                  
Second Yann came to us with a super cool message : "I love teens who are between 14 and 16"                                          
So Yann, if u see this, check ur door.                                                                                               
< Personnal Infos >                                                                        
Name : Yann

Family Name : Dubois
Age : 30
Job : Work in tv ads                                                                  

Phone : +33628735681

Email : dubyannprod@gmail.com
Adress : 54 r Jeanne d'Arc 75013 Paris

< Socials >
FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/JACKYANNDUBOIS

Twitter : https://twitter.com/YannDub65332798

Instagram : https://instagram.com/yanndulois

LinkedIn : https://fr.linkedin.com/in/dubois-yann75

BeBee : https://fr.bebee.com/bee/yann-dubois-yann

< Pictures >
Face : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1004035275816702034/1044392446974509066/unknown.png?width=781&height=586

House : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1044402351450095677/1044721638924632154/image.png
< Family >

- Mother -

Name : Roselyne
Family Name : Guenegues-Dubois

DOB : 1946 (76 yrs old)

< Socials >

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/roselyne.gueneguesdubois


- Father -

Name : Florent
Family Name : Guenegues

< Socials >

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/florent.guenegues


- Brother - 

Name : Benjamin
Family Name : Dubois

< Socials > 

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/benjamin.dubois.315
- Cousin -

Name : Agnès
Family Name : Maingueneau

Fixe :

Adress : 20 Rue Marcel Carne, 44115 BASSE-GOULAINE

< Socials >

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/agnes.maingueneau
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/agnesmaing44/