                                    .,:;;++++++;:,.    +ii)iii+:::;iii))+i='
                               ,;+==ii)))))))))))ii==+;,)=    ,,,:=i))+=:
                             ,;+=ii))))))IIIIII))))ii===;.    ,,:=i)=i+
                            ;+=ii)))IIIIITIIIIII))))iiii=+,   ,:=));=,
                      .i)IIITTTTITTLLLHHLLLL);=)II)ITTTTII)i+                   i'm the higest in the room
                    +i)i)))IITTLLLLLLLLT=:i)II)TTTTLTTIII)i;                    when a skid trying to beat you down, beat him to hell.
                 =;)i=:,=)ITTTTLTTI=:i))I)TTTLLLTTTTTII)i;                      god damn dude you tried to troll Tr1X, Mercy & GostiA and you failed <3
               +i)ii::,   )IIITI+:+i)I))TTTTLLTTTTTII))=,
             :=;)i=:,,     i++::i))I)ITTTTTTTTTTIIII)=+'                        - Yoav.
           .+ii)i=::,,     ::=i)))iIITTTTTTTTIIIII)=+
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     ' Tr1x' : Tried to laugh at me, gets revenge.
     'GostiA': Dancing on your grandmother's grave 卐
     'Noderi': Skid.
     ' Mojo' : Hole Sartan Tipusi
     'mercy' : The Kids And The Animals????
     'Drkaie': Don't worry, you will not remain a virgin, this dox will fuck you. 卐

    ✪ 0x1 -> INTRODUCTION
   greetings, and welcome to Yali Mesika Full Dox, the FUCKING Sharmuta
   he tried to play it hard with his friends, so now we show him what we can do. GL Faggot <3

    ██████╗░███████╗██████╗░░██████╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗░█████╗░██╗░░░░░  ██╗███╗░░██╗███████╗░█████╗░
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    Yali's Info

    ♦ Nickname
    Discord: </ʏᴀᄂ????#2654
    Instagram Profile: https://www.instagram.com/yali.mesika/

    ♦ Full Name
    Yali Mesika | יהלי מסיקה

    ♦ Occupation
    Take advantage from us and start to be serious about doxes ✨
     ♦ Number(s)
    Yali - +972507479447
    Adi(Mom) - 972525531053 
    Hana(aunt) - 972507887588
    Soham(aunt of mom) - 972525211343
    Shimon(Brother) - 972548161725
    Shirly(aunt) - 972528677772

     ♦ Mom Info
     Full Name: Adi Kuchak - עדי קוצ'ק
     I.D: 042349902‏
     DOB:  12/07/1981
     Old House Adress: Anilvits 6/א, Kfar Saba
     House Location: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939249379779444827/949708745385058405/unknown.png
     House Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939249379779444827/949708776976576512/unknown.png
     ♦ Mom Social Media
     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adikuchuk/
     Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adi.mesika.3/about_contact_and_basic_info
     ♦ Mom Education
     ♦ High School ♦
     Name: Galili High School - תיכון גלילי
     Site: http://www.galili.hs.ksedu.co.il/BRPortal/br/P100.jsp$
     Adress: רח' אז"ר 41, כפר סבא
     Number - 09-741-6968   
     School Picture - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949619310253441075/bdec3aef5cbf315a57eaa10b146b09f6.png
     ♦ University ♦
     Name: האוניברסיטה הפתוחה - The Open University
     Site: http://www.openu.ac.il/
     Adress: דרך האוניברסיטה 1, רעננה
     Postal Code: 4353701
     NUmber: 09-778-2222
     Gmail: infodesk@openu.ac.il
     נוסד: 1974
     ♦ Old Job ♦
     Personal Coach
    "Life coach • healthy body • healthy mind"
     ♦ Job Education ♦
     Job School - הומניקיישן - humanication
     Adress: גזית 7, פתח תקווה
     Site: https://humanication.co.il/next
     2nd Site: https://linktr.ee/humanication
     Number: 077-804-0050
     Mail: adi@humanication.co.il
     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/humanication
     ♦ Current Job ♦
     Company Name: Beit Ekshtein - בית אקשטיין
     Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beitekstein
     Site: http://www.b-e.org.il/
     Number: 04-638-9607
     Mail: info@b-e.org.il
     Work As: Employee


     ♦ GrandMother Info
     Full Name: Hadasa Kuchuk - הדסה קוצ'וק
     I.D: 051573079‏
     DOB: 15/06/1952
     Current Home Adress: Anilvits 6/א, Kfar Saba     
     Kids: 2 - Idan + Adi     

     ♦ GrandMother Education
     Elementary School: Golda Meir School
     Adress: השלום 11
     Number - 09-7672221
     Mail: yaelgolda@gmail.com
     Site: http://www.golda.ys.ksedu.co.il/BRPortal/br/P100.jsp
     Job: Hanag(Sport) Teacher
     Job Education: Sport University Israel
     Adress: המכללה האקדמית בוינגייט, נתניה
     Number: 09-863-9222ע
     ♦ Family Picture's
     Grandpa - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947606874994384916/949442920413556746/unknown.png
     Yali - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947606874994384916/949443529363562526/unknown.png
     Yali - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947606874994384916/949443738411884614/unknown.png
     Yali - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947606874994384916/949444031539195905/unknown.png
     Ido(Brother) - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947606874994384916/949443932373274645/unknown.png
     Sister - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/947606874994384916/949444116352204920/unknown.png
     Uncle - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949450025988136970/1934006_1103361900297_3983212_n.png
     Mom - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949449018138828820/unknown.png
     Sister - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949441612356927518/151988120_2911479949116859_5280700075333139531_n.png
     Mom - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949440707914002452/unknown.png
     Grandmother - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949678072511201330/unknown.png
     Grandmother - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949678107164553316/246457550_10159863645288856_2905250538384244588_n.png
     Grandmother - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949678165696057364/104746960_10158689861348856_994001411894355429_n.png
     Grandmother - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939982733197840485/949679068142506034/13417436_10154317597838856_7241686037562943900_n.png

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│                                                -[LAST WORDS]-                                                     │
│                                                                                                                   │
│                                               Dear Mr.Yali,                                                     │
│                                    We hope you will learn your fucking lesson.                                    │
│                                     Anyway, Your Hamburger is on the way BTW ????                                   │
│                                                                                                                   │
│                                         TRY US AGAIN AND WE WILL FIND YOU.                                        │
│                                                  - Yoav <3                                                        │

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