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¦ FULL name - Yakubov Ivan Alexandrovich 
¦ id tg - 1864283017
¦ Number - 79969400474
¦ Date of birth - 05/10/2008
¦ City -Veliky Novgorod
¦ Address - Oktyabrskaya street, 10k1, 4 entrance 
¦ School - Secondary school No. 21
¦ Vkontakte - https://vk.com/trikzzzzzz

¦ Mother - https://vk.com/id12822330
¦ Father - https://vk.com/id391208518
¦ Mother's Number Is +79643123323
¦ Mother's Mail - kubiki-sv@mail.ru
¦ Full name of the mother - Yakubova Svetlana Igorevna
¦ Mother's date of birth - 02/28/1979

¦Mother's passport number is 4908889191
¦INN - 531002904454
¦SNILS - 02450191511
¦Old photos - https://sun9-15.userapi.com/impg/-8COdq2gr8AEPZS_xi7XJy-YmeVs_GCzvOn1sA/wziVK9H07HI.jpg?size=400x0&quality=90&sign=f04afbd8a7a2aa61794afd827a099913&c_uniq_tag=EaRYFB6Tr3o6v1-gSCKNDZ2kAQl3IdmJrTyJVOX5dJY&ava=1 https://sun9-49.userapi.com/z2NlGRykArsiweSoypYkALo7SZSCkAfrGX8qBA/GBhNREfTgpA.jpg?ava=1
¦Old Vkontakte page - https://vk.com/id281042479
¦Vkontakte sisters - https://vk.com/id444107983
¦Mom's number is 79643123323