[#] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Dropped By 1Lang. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-     [#]
[#]  Name: [Yarianna Kasse]                                                             [#]
[#]  Alias: [Dinoo,]                                                                    [#]
[#]  Address: [1425 Lardner St]                                                         [#]
[#]  City: [Philadelphia]                                                               [#]
[#]  State: [Pennsylvania]                                                              [#]
[#]  Phone Number: [267-901-8257]                                                       [#]
[#]  Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/yarianna.kasse.7]                              [#]
[#]  Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/dwdinooo/]
[#]  YouTube: [N/A]                                                                     [#]
[#]  Twitter: [N/A]                                                                     [#]
[#]  Skype: [N/A]                                                                       [#]
[#]  Steam: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199152220570]                     [#]
[#]  IP Address: [N/A]                                                                  [#]
[#]  Mother: [Yahaira Contreras]                                                        [#]
[#]  Father: [That nigga gone.]                                                         [#]
[#]  Siblings: [Jeremy Contreras]                                                       [#]
[#]  Hobbies: [Stupid Dirty Indian E-SLUT, Being racist.                                [#]
[#]  Reason of Dox: [Trying to ruin relationships.]                                     [#]
[#] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]
[#] You fucked with the wrong people.                                                   [#]
[#] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [#]
[#] You're lucky we did not release your complete dox.                                  [#]