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            │                                                                                      │
            │ Greetings, Doxbin user, and welcome to the end of the Minecraft Bedwars group        │
            │ "Xylans", or more specifically, an in-depth dox of every member of their leadership, │
            │ including their beloved leader, Sumon Rahman.                                        │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ To keep this introduction short and simple, "Xylans" is a group of people dedicated  │
            │ to "sniping" people on Hypixel Bedwars by ending their block game winstreaks. Though │
            │ this is a harmless act online, this group's activities span outside of the Hypixel   │
            │ network as well. Their actions include doxing and harassing YouTubers for attention, │
            │ token logiging, spreading a RAT through a C# based "hypixel rank generator",         │
            │ attempted doxes on small TikTokers and popular bedwars YouTubers, and the constant   │
            │ harassment of various innocent people, including, but not limited to family calls,   │
            │ bomb threats, etc.                                                                   │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Most pastes don't usually detail the methodology behind how information was          │
            │ obtained, however I aim for this to be unlike most pastes. Below, I've provided all  │
            │ the details of how Xylan's information was obtained, so that any of his future       │
            │ attempts at denying it can be easily disproven.                                      │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Now that I've given a brief outline of the situation and the actions of this group,  │
            │ let's get to the information.                                                        │

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                    ╚██████╗╚██████╔╝██║ ╚████║   ██║   ███████╗██║ ╚████║   ██║   ███████║            
                     ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═══╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝            
            │                                                                                      │
            │  0x01..........................................................................Xylan │
            │      Methodology                                                                     │
            │      Description                                                                     │
            │      Full Name                                                                       │
            │      Address                                                                         │
            │      Phone Number                                                                    │
            │      Socials                                                                         │
            │  0x02.........................................................................Elyott │
            │      Description                                                                     │
            │      Full Name                                                                       │
            │      Address                                                                         │
            │      Socials                                                                         │
            │  0x03...........................................................................Duel │
            │      Description                                                                     │
            │      Full Name                                                                       │
            │      Address                                                                         │
            │      Phone Number                                                                    │
            │      Socials                                                                         │
            │                                                                                      │
            │      Father's Name                                                                   │
            │      Father's Phone Number                                                           │
            │      Father's SSN                                                                    │
            │      Father's Credit Report                                                          │
            │                                                                                      │
            │      Mother's Name                                                                   │
            │      Mother's Phone Number                                                           │
            │      Mother's SSN                                                                    │
            │      Mother's Credit Report                                                          │
            │  0x04............................................................................Tua │
            │      Description                                                                     │
            │      Full Name                                                                       │
            │      Address                                                                         │
            │      Socials                                                                         │
            │  0x05............................................................................Ace │
            │      Description                                                                     │
            │      Full Name                                                                       │
            │      Address                                                                         │
            │      Phone Number                                                                    │
            │      Socials                                                                         │
            │  0x06..........................................................................Priyn │
            │      Description                                                                     │
            │      Full Name                                                                       │
            │      Address                                                                         │
            │      Socials                                                                         │
            │                                                                                      │
            │      Father's Name                                                                   │
            │      Father's Phone Number                                                           │
            │      Father's SSN                                                                    │
            │      Father's Credit Report                                                          │
            │      Father's Driver's License                                                       │
            │                                                                                      │
            │      Mother's Name                                                                   │
            │      Mother's Phone Number                                                           │
            │  0x07........................................................................Credits │
            │  0x08...............................................................Additional Notes │

 █ Section 1, Part 1 - Xylan - Leader of Xylans                                                                █

            │                                                                                      │
            │     Xylan's notable history online begins just under four years ago. He purchased    │
            │ Minecraft and created an account under the username "DerpyC4ke". Now, originally I   │
            │ firmly believed he was more intelligent in terms of his opsec, and thought he had    │
            │ purchased a full access account and simply changed the name to "Xylan". This is not  │
            │ the case, as proven by his Hypixel forums profile. The profile's creation date is in │
            │ 2018, which is also his account's first join on the Hypixel network. Further         │
            │ confirmation from this can be obtained through his "about me" section on his Hypixel │
            │ forums account, as this section contains the word "cake" repeated a number of times. │
            │ A little bit more digging through old posts shows he was quite active on the Hypixel │
            │ forums. These things are not immediately significant, will be very important to note │
            │ later on in order to prove that this is indeed Xylan.                                │
            │                                                                                      │
            │                                                                                      │
            │     More answers to the question of who Xylan is can come simply from research       │
            │ on his current alias. For someone who attempts to act like a "scary hacker" online,  │
            │ he didn't do a very good job of covering his tracks. Let's have a look at his        │
            │ YouTube channel, known simply as the "Xylan Minecraft Archive", which can be found   │
            │ at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnPA2TrW24mW0Cd65EPomKg. You can see a video of  │
            │ Sumon playing Minecraft Pocket Edition, which can be found at                        │
            │ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrWTamctNz4&t=181s. There aren't many important      │
            │ details in this video, so simply note that he was playing Minecraft Pocket Edition.  │
            │ More confirmation that this is indeed him comes from the channel's subscriptions -   │
            │ he's subscribed to the Xylans sniping group's YouTube channel, and a developer of    │
            │ the Minecraft hacked client "Novoline" (which is used by the Xylans group) by the    │
            │ name of "Gast".                                                                      │
            │                                                                                      │
            │                                                                                      │
            │    And now for the interesting part. A little bit of research on Twitter as to his   │
            │ first Minecraft IGN reveals a tweet that mentioned his account form a server, which  │
            │ can be found at https://twitter.com/xNinjaMC1/status/1005476978588377094. In the     │
            │ post, the the account mentioned, "DerpyC4ke", was deleted. At this point, it was     │
            │ clear he originally came from Minecraft Pocket Edition, and actively played on the   │
            │ "Ownage Network". Upon reaching out to the owner of the network, he made it clear    │
            │ that he hadn't had contact with Derpy since the summer of 2018 - exactly when Derpy  │
            │ became active on Minecraft Java Edition as well as the Hypixel Forums.               │
            │                                                                                      │
            │                                                                                      │
            │    A little bit more searching from there revealed an email address                  │
            │ "derpyc4ke21@gmail.com". Various OSINT tools pointed directly towards various        │
            │ websites he had registered to, including PornHub and Wattpad, though the only one    │
            │ that is relevant in this is the Wattpad account, where the country was set to the    │
            │ United Arab Emirates, the date of birth was set as the 20th of October, 2000, and,   │
            │ most importantly, the linked username was "XylanCOTE", further confirming the alias  │
            │ change from "Derpy" to "Xylan". More research using OSINT tools provided a Gravatar  │
            │ account by the name of "xylaan". Yet again, Xylan's failure to hide his past hinders │
            │ his ability to continue his roleplaying on the internet, as all it took to gain even │
            │ more confirmation was a simple look through his Hypixel forums account. On there, he │
            │ had previously said dozens of things referencing the YouTuber "Technoblade". His     │
            │ gravatar profile, which can be located at https://gravatar.com/xylaan incorporates   │
            │ both his aliases as well as his former obsession with Technoblade. To confirm this   │
            │ even further, we can take advantage of Gravatar providing email hash of any username │
            │ searched. The MD5 hash for the user "Xylaan" is "35bc90b44cee2fa709c7a2d6b20fd3e4".  │
            │ Hashing the previously mentioned email address in MD5 provides the same hash,        │
            │ meaning the strings are completely identical.                                        │
            │                                                                                      │
            │                                                                                      │
            │    More information came from his email account than just this, though. A call       │
            │ to a delivery service he had signed up to on the aforementioned email address        │
            │ revealed both his full name, Sumon Rahman, and phone number, +971 545993038, but     │
            │ due to a lack of orders on the account, it did not contain his address. Another call │
            │ to the same delivery service revealed another account tied to his phone number,      │
            │ under the name "Xylan", except this time, with an order history and an address.      │ 
            │ The address was then confirmed through a secondary delivery service, where he had    │
            │ ordered 1x Salalah Club Sandwich, 1x Family Dish, 2x Diet Pepsi, and an order of 1x  │
            │ Medium Onion Rings from Mizna's Cafeteria (Al Rashidiya 2).                          │
            │                                                                                      │
            │     If you need any more confirmation that Xylan is Mr. Sumon Rahman, you may find   │
            │ this tweet helpful, where Xylan simply stated his full name publicly                 │
            │ https://twitter.com/SumonRa5/status/965700013333667840?cxt=HHwWgIC_5fXC7eYaAAAA.     │
            │                                                                                      │
            │     Sumon's failure to hide his past and properly change his aliases clearly show    │
            │ that all he is protected by is the fact that he's a part of a new generation of      │
            │ Minecraft players and that he's from a country where data aggregators simply do not  │
            │ exist. And so I ask you, having now detailed the full process of obtain Sumon's      │
            │ information, is Xylan truly this "scary, undoxable hacker" that he claims to be?     │

 █ Section 1, Part 2 - Xylan - Information                                                                     █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Now that I've described the process of obtaining Xylan's information, I can provide  │
            │ the following information to you without the possibility of Xylan denying any of it. │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Full Name - Sumon Rahman                                                             │
            │ Date of Birth - October 20th, possibly 2000. I've addressed this further in the      │
            │ notes section at the bottom of this paste.                                           │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Address - Flat #1301, Corniche Residence Tower #7, Al-Rumailah, Dubai, UAE           │
            │ Phone Number - +971 545993038                                                        │
            │ Email Addresses -                                                                    │
            │     derpyc4ke21@gmail.com                                                            │
            │       -> Used on XVideos, Wattpad, Spotify, PornHub, Gravatar, and more.             │
            │     xylansop@gmail.com                                                               │
            │       -> Not used on many sites, though it is used on GitHub                         │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Aliases                                                                              │
            │     - Xylan                                                                          │
            │       - Used on almost everything, including, but not limited to Minecraft, Discord, │
            │         and even his own Subway order. Unfortunately I wasn't able to obtain the     │
            │         contents of his Subway order.                                                │
            │     - Xylans10                                                                       │
            │       - X-Box account                                                                │
            │     - DerpyC4ke                                                                      │
            │       - His original alias on both Minecraft and Roblox                              │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Wattpad - https://www.wattpad.com/user/XylanCOTE                                     │
            │ Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/derpyc4ke                                       │
            │ Gravatar - http://gravatar.com/xylaan                                                │
            │ Roblox - https://www.roblox.com/users/520817719/profile                              │
            │ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/xylans_isbest/about                                   │
            │ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnPA2TrW24mW0Cd65EPomKg/videos            │
            │ YouTube #2 - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3P_WGguuWBZCJrcl6UqwkA                │
            │ Pinterest - https://pinterest.com/derpyc4ke21/                                       │
            │ Hypixel Forums - https://hypixel.net/members/xylaan.2047811/                         │
            │ Twitter - https://twitter.com/SumonRa5                                               │

 █ Section 2, Part 1 - Elyott - TikToker, co-leader of Xylans                                                  █
            │                                                                                      │
            │    As I've stated before, Xylans as group is led by a few people, including Xylan,   │
            │ Elyott, and Tua. Though Elyott typically focuses on in-game sniping, and tends to be │
            │ one of the less problematic leaders, he is a member of Xylans' leadership and        │
            │ condones and assists in the harassment and roleplaying. Recently, he provided        │
            │ information to the group that led to a bomb towards the school of the leader of one  │
            │ of their rival sniping groups.                                                       │
 █ Section 2, Part 2 - Elyott - Information                                                                    █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Full Name - Eliott St-Marseille                                                      │
            │ Address - 10 Chemin, Bellevue, Saint-Sauveur, Quebec J0R 1R7                         │
            │ DOB - June 21st, 2004                                                                │
            │ Email Addresses -                                                                    │
            │     elyottthecactus@gmail.com                                                        │
            │       -> Used on Spotify, Discord, and CodeAcademy                                   │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Linktree - https://linktr.ee/ignelyott                                               │
            │ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/ignelyott                                             │
            │ YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcS5PcGYbqOha4Hu7QDfj2w                   │
            │ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@ignelyott                                           │
            │ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/imelyott/                                      │

 █ Section 3, Part 1 - Duel - TikToker, Xylans staff member                                                    █

            │                                                                                      │
            │    Although most of his reputation coming from being exposed for being a sexual      │
            │ predator by dozens of girls on numerous occasions, there is much more to his history │
            │ than just that. Duel, better known as Michael Tanielian, has a long history of being │
            │ doxed and exposed, and is strongly disliked among Bedwars players and TikTokers.     │
            │ Additionally, this is the only paste at this time to not have any inaccurate         │
            │ information. Other pastes commonly have an incorrect SSN for his mother,             │
            │ and an incorrect phone number for his father.                                        │
            │                                                                                      │
            │    Aside from his heavy involvement with Xylans, and his own targeted harassment     │
            │ towards various TikTokers, Michael frequently changes his stance from victimizing    │
            │ himself to calling himself untouchable.                                              │

 █ Section 3, Part 2 - Duel - Information                                                                      █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Full Name - Michael Tanielian                                                        │
            │ DOB - June 4th, 2005                                                                 │
            │ Address - 12481 Woodley Avenue, Granada Hills, CA, 91344                             │
            │ Phone Number - (818) 966-2583                                                        │
            │ School - Bishop Alemany High School                                                  │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Email Addresses -                                                                    │
            │    - michaeltanielian@gmail.com                                                      │
            │      -> Used on Spotify, PornHub, GitHub, Amazon, and more                           │
            │    - itzduel@gmail.com                                                               │
            │      -> Was used for Minecraft (Microsoft account)                                   │
            │    - vipplusmfa123@protonmail.com                                                    │
            │      -> Was used for Minecraft                                                       │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Minecraft Accounts                                                                   │
            │                                                                                      │
            │     - Coralina                                                                       │
            │        - Confirmed through an old YouTube video on a now-deleted channel,            │
            │        though he claims it was sold recently                                         │
            │        - https://namemc.com/56a224ff-84bd-4b3d-86ff-555d5b022103/                    │
            │     - lnfant                                                                         │
            │        - Spelt with a lowercase "L"                                                  │
            │        - https://namemc.com/90d816bd-4bf0-49a0-a0b4-d55b2cdf1fbc/                    │
            │     - Duel                                                                           │
            │        - Recently unlocked                                                           │
            │        - https://namemc.com/7e355ed7-917d-4bc7-9c12-14c503b5b7f4/                    │
            │     - Deny                                                                           │
            │        - Currently locked                                                            │
            │        - https://namemc.com/37a4af59-d21f-4ce2-8664-da9c3ee5a14b/                    │
            │     - Cleaner                                                                        │
            │      - https://namemc.com/profile/21be7b11-915a-4354-91dd-458e6def16c8/              │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Other Accounts                                                                       │
            │    - https://www.tiktok.com/@notDuel                                                 │
            │    - TikTok @ignDuel (Taken down due to community guidelines violations)             │
            │    - https://www.tiktok.com/@bawl                                                    │
            │    - https://www.twitch.tv/ampluszeus                                                │
            │    - @miketanielian (Snapchat)                                                       │
            │    - @dueldenied (Snapchat)                                                          │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Mother                                                                               │
            │ Full Name - Hoory Tanielian                                                          │
            │ DOB - January 17th, 1973                                                             │
            │ Phone Number - (818) 299-4898                                                        │
            │ SSN - 608-22-4025                                                                    │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Credit Report                                                                        │
            │ - https://anonfiles.com/Z8AcXdE5x7/Hoory_Tanielian_-_608-22-4025_-_Credit_Report_pdf │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Father                                                                               │
            │ Full Name - Ara Tanielian                                                            │
            │ DOB - September 30th, 1970                                                           │
            │ Phone Number - (818) 203-7980                                                        │
            │ SSN - 557-51-5286                                                                    │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Credit Report                                                                        │
            │ - https://anonfiles.com/D7v96cG4xe/Credit_Report_-_557515286_-_Ara_G_Tanielian_1_pdf │

 █ Section 4, Part 1 - Tua - co-leader of Xylans                                                               █

            │                                                                                      │
            │    As possibly the Xylans member with the largest ego, aside from Xylan, Tua, better │
            │ known as Pablo Bourbon typically roleplays being harmful on Minecraft and claims     │
            │ harmfulness due to him sniping winstreaks on bedwars. Similar to most people on this │
            │ paste, he's proven to be completely harmless on multiple occasions by failing to dox │
            │ those with opsec worse than his own.                                                 │

 █ Section 4, Part 2 - Tua - Information                                                                       █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Full Name - Pablo Bourbon                                                            │
            │ Address - 27 Av. Varavilla, 06190 Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France                      │
            │ Instagram - @pablobbn_                                                               │
            │ Snapchat - pablobourbo2020                                                           │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Email Addresses -                                                                    │
            │    - pablo.bourbon@gmail.com                                                         │
            │      -> Used on GitHub, Amazon, Skype (pablo.bourbon), and more                      │
            │    - pablomcbourbon@gmail.com                                                        │
            │      -> Used on Discord and Spotify                                                  │

 █ Section 5, Part 1 - Priyn - Xylans staff                                                                    █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Priyn's roleplaying with the rest of the Xylans group has lasted for quite a while,  │
            │ but it was not always this way. He was originally recognized as a complete idiot,    │
            │ however shortly after, he was given permissions in the Xylans discord server, where  │
            │ he went under various different aliases, such as "ZIDHA", and failed to dox multiple │
            │ TikTokers, despite oftentimes having as much as their full name and phone number.    │

 █ Section 5, Part 2 - Priyn - Information                                                                     █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Full Name - Prasan Basnet                                                            │
            │ Address - 1519 Vicgross Avenue, Akron, Ohio, 44310                                   │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ IRLs                                                                                 │
            │    - https://anonfiles.com/h47167G3x3/prasan-1_png                                   │
            │    - https://anonfiles.com/r07d68Gex1/prasan-2_png                                   │
            │    - https://anonfiles.com/xe7864G4x0/prasan-3_png (rental car)                      │
            │    - https://anonfiles.com/107269G6xb/prasan-4_png                                   │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Minecraft Accounts                                                                   │
            │                                                                                      │
            │     - Priyn                                                                          │
            │        - https://namemc.com/profile/7f1ee88f-927e-47f1-af94-197257cb6a2d             │
            │     - JustNowo                                                                       │
            │        - https://namemc.com/profile/08246014-77a5-45cb-af66-eed99aa9c93e             │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Father                                                                               │
            │ Full Name - Dilli Ram Basnet                                                         │
            │ Phone Number - (330) 934-8582                                                        │
            │ SSN - 754-60-7392                                                                    │
            │ Driver's License - # 31027937 (Issued in PA)                                         │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Mother                                                                               │
            │ Full Name - Devi Maya Basnet                                                         │
            │ Phone Number - (330) 243-0683                                                        │
            │ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@devibasnet998                                       │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Credit Report                                                                        │
            │ - https://z.zz.fo/tKfjr.pdf                                                          │

 █ Section 6, Part 1 - Ace - Redacted                                                                          █

            │                                                                                      │
            │     Since this incident, Ace has apologized to Angela regarding events that occurred │
            │ and has requested his information be removed from this paste, as he's stated that    │
            │ he's actively improving himself, and is not proud of his previous actions.           │

 █ Section 6, Part 2 - Ace - Redacted                                                                          █

            │                                                                                      │
            │     As I've stated in the previous section, Ace did apologize. The following is a    │
            │ portion of Ace's conversation with Angela.                                           │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ "Im sorry for all we put you through, im not speaking on behalf of xylans. This is a │
            │ personal and sincere apology and I hope you got the time to listen to me. I get it   │
            │ that you probably wanna post this and make fun of me but remember im the only one    │
            │ that actually tried to do something about this. I know I deserve public shame but    │
            │ I know you are a better person than me so I hope you maybe could just let me do this │
            │ and move on with our lives. Im sorry for january, as a whole. Im sorry If i scared   │
            │ you with what I did and I'm sorry if it disrupted your life, and if it had any       │
            │ involvement with you leaving the community, I'm sorry I pushed you over the edge,    │
            │ know I did not do this by myself but Im speaking on my behalf. I learned from this   │
            │ and Im drastically trying to change my life around as I said to xf. I've been going  │
            │ into therapy and started self reflecting and I know im not a hair better than anyone │
            │ that violates someone their rights. I hope you can forgive me for what I did so we   │
            │ can both move on with our lives and so I can leave this community instead of you.    │
            │ I am not doing this forcefully, I've been wanting to do this for a while now and     │
            │ always wanted to get this off my chest. I know im not a good person but im trying    │
            │ to turn it around. I am once again sorry. I didnt mean for this to happen cause I    │
            │ barely knew you when this got put on me and when I did this to you. I should be more │
            │ careful and considerate in the future. I will be working on myself and ill assure    │
            │ you this never happens again on my behalf".                                          │

 █ Section 7 - Credits                                                                                         █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ Credit goes out to quite a few people for helping with various parts in this paste.  │
            │ More specifically, KT, Weep & Snuff for their involvements, as well as two external  │
            │ friends of mine, z and Glaze.                                                        │

 █ Section 8 - Notes                                                                                           █

            │                                                                                      │
            │ There are a number of other pieces of information I've left out, they either just    │
            │ didn't fit in, or didn't seem relevant enough.                                       │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ For anybody that sees someone who may attempt to take credit for this dox, please    │
            │ have them confirm on-site to avoid any impersonators or roleplaying idiots.          │
            │                                                                                      │
            │ Though Xylan's year of birth, provided by Wattpad, was 2000, I'm not entirely sure   │
            │ this is correct. If it is, Xylan has had dozens of sexual interactions with much     │
            │ younger females, which would make him a pedophile.                                   │