Xarq0n ( KnexPäerdz ) aka, Andrew Woodworth. Known Team Fortress 2 bot hoster and cheater. Mainly known for having a very depressing attraction to ponies from the children's cartoon 'My Little Pony' Begs for items from easily manipulated fanbase. Leaked chat logs reveals pedophilia as well. (and more little naughty secrets) Likes to copy every idea he sees, extremely unoriginal and stale. Name: Andrew Woodworth DOB: July 4th, 1998 Address(Apartment lol): 2751 N Club Drive APT 3, Fayetteville AR - 72703 Country: United States of America Job: None since 2014 (lol) Email: heartandsoulfx@gmail.com Phone: (479)306-0577 IP: Photos: https://i.imgur.com/ngpQ8ri.png https://ibb.co/3rCWb4c (Pedophile proof. Can be found in "Banshee" chatlog) https://ibb.co/sj9SsGJ https://ibb.co/0Z9L0wp https://ibb.co/cQnnTfk Discord: Knex-Päerdz#6969 (232641555398131712) Discord Logs: https://rathook.cc/files/xarqon.txt Discord Logs Mirror: https://files.catbox.moe/os3fy7.txt (view them on https://dht.chylex.com/build/viewer.html ) Social Media: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199064630127 https://www.youtube.com/knexpaerdz https://soundcloud.com/knexpaerdz https://twitter.com/KnexPaerdz https://discord.gg/xarq0n https://www.deviantart.com/knexpaerdz (degenerate material. Avoid)