this dox was created by HerrWolfgang, snizzy/diaz is a skid. dont try to claim my dox and do shit to people you got doxxed: | \ / .---. '-. | | .-' ___| |___ -= [ ] =- `---. .---' __||__ | | __||__ '-..-' | | '-..-' || | | || ||_.-| |-,_|| .-"` `"`'` `"-. .' Ephesians 5:11 '. Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness; rather expose them. Evidence archive: Key: 4fJZx0aShoxBBQfw4XKoLA wolfgang on top slatt slatt basically all you need to know about this guy is he is a repeat sex offender that raped minors and sexually groped people. he has been charged with 3 counts of sexual assault and IS a registered sex offender. and he loves kiddy porn. he has CP saved and makes ROBLOX piss and bondage porn and grooms people online aswell as taking bathroom pics of people (bathroom peeper) we ratted bro and saw all the child porn he had but he went and deleted it. (PROOF OF THIS IS IN THE MEGA LINK ABOVE) just general bottom on the barrel filth of society. i got ur court documents too you fucking weirdo stop harassing little girls online. LMFAOOOOO I recently just found his reddit account AND BRO MADE A POST SAYING IS HE GETTING UNWANTED PIZZAS πŸ˜‚ ENJOY TRYING TO EAT IT ALL YOU FUCKING FATASS link to post: πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ credit for the template: ╠═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ _____ _ _ ______ ____ β•‘ β•‘ |_ _| \ | | ____/ __ \ β•‘ β•‘ | | | \| | |__ | | | | β•‘ β•‘ | | | . ` | __|| | | | β•‘ β•‘ _| |_| |\ | | | |__| | β•‘ β•‘ |_____|_| \_|_| \____/ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ALIAS(es) - CBE_Simon, XNDUIW, XNDUIW Simon Phung, XNDUIW Bricks β•‘ β•‘ sick fuck also has a range of both discord and roblox accounts he lingers in and harassing people in β•‘ β•‘ (included in archive folder) β•‘ β•‘ Name - Simon Tiểu Phα»₯ng β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ IP: β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ email - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Most Commonly used password: 12cece β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ DOB - February 7th, 2003 β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Address: 88 Abingdon Ct NE, Calgary, AB T2A 6S5, Canada β•‘ β•‘ (NEW): 15 rundlelawn court ne. Calgary, Canada. β•‘ β•‘ (He swaps back and forth from both) β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Moms/his number - (403) 616-3338 β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ISP: Shaw Communications β•‘ β•‘ Device ID: CA6537B7-6F46-4647-A467-815FAB17C7CA β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Product ID: 00342-20878-63922-AAOEM β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Simon Phung's internet β•‘ β•‘ SSID: NetXServer β•‘ β•‘ Protocol: Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) β•‘ β•‘ Security type: WPA2-Personal β•‘ β•‘ Manufacturer: Realtek Semiconductor Corp. β•‘ β•‘ Description: Realtek 8822CE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC β•‘ β•‘ IPv6: 2604:3d09:1776:cd00::4827 β•‘ β•‘ MAC: 14-5A-FC-91-82-51 β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ╠═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ _____ ____ _____ _____ _ __ __ ______ _____ _____ β•‘ β•‘ / ____|/ __ \ / ____|_ _| /\ | | | \/ | ____| __ \_ _| /\ β•‘ β•‘ | (___ | | | | | | | / \ | | | \ / | |__ | | | || | / \ β•‘ β•‘ \___ \| | | | | | | / /\ \ | | | |\/| | __| | | | || | / /\ \ β•‘ β•‘ ____) | |__| | |____ _| |_ / ____ \| |____ | | | | |____| |__| || |_ / ____ \ β•‘ β•‘ |_____/ \____/ \_____|_____/_/ \_\______| |_| |_|______|_____/_____/_/ \_\ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ MAIN DISCORD: xnduiwsimonphung β•‘ β•‘ REDDIT - β•‘ β•‘ INSTAGRAM - β•‘ β•‘ INSTAGRAM - β•‘ β•‘ YOUTUBE - β•‘ β•‘ QUORA - β•‘ β•‘ TWITTER - β•‘ β•‘ DEVIANTART - β•‘ β•‘ ITCH IO - β•‘ β•‘ GAMEJOLT - β•‘ β•‘ GOOGLE SUPPORT LMAOO - β•‘ β•‘ MC CREATOR - β•‘ β•‘ WATTPAD - β•‘ β•‘ PLANET MINECRAFT = β•‘ β•‘ ROBLOX - β•‘ β•‘ NEWGROUNDS - β•‘ β•‘ HP like the printers and shit - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ╠═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ β•‘ ______ __ __ _____ _ _ __ __ β•‘ β•‘ | ____/\ | \/ |_ _| | | | \ \ / / β•‘ β•‘ | |__ / \ | \ / | | | | | | | \ \_/ / β•‘ β•‘ | __/ /\ \ | |\/| | | | | | | | \ / β•‘ β•‘ | | / ____ \| | | |_| |_| |____| |____| | β•‘ β•‘ |_|/_/ \_\_| |_|_____|______|______|_| β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ Family members: β•‘ β•‘ Linh Tieu Lah (mom) β•‘ β•‘ Khon Quang Phung (dad) β•‘ β•‘ Glance Truong (cousin) β•‘ β•‘ Yue Truong (cousin) β•‘ β•‘ Shan Truong (cousin) β•‘ β•‘ Alvin Khuu (cousin) β•‘ β•‘ Andy Khuu (cousin) β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ╔════════════════════════════════════════╗ β•‘ β•‘ ANNIE - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ PHUNG - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β• β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ╔══════════════════════════════════════════╗ β•‘ β•‘ BROTHER ----> KENNY - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ PHUNG - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β• β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ╔════════════════════════════════════════╗ β•‘ β•‘ BRIAN - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ PHUNG - β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β• β•‘ β•‘ β•‘ ╠═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣ _..--""---. / ". ` l |'._ ,._ l/"\ | _J<__/.v._/ \( ,~._,,,,-) `-\' \`,,j| \_,____J .--.__)--(__.--. / `-----..--'. j '.- '`--` `--' \\ // '`---'` `-' \\ // '`----'`.-.-' \\ _// `--- -' \' | \________ | | ) ( `.__.---- -'\ \7 \`-( 74\\\ || _ /`-( l|//7 |l (' `-)-/_.--. f''` -.-"| |\ l\_ `-' .' | | | llJ _ _)J--._.-(' | | l |||( ( '_)_ .l ". _ ..I | L ^\\\||`' '"-. " )''`'---' L.-'`-.._ \ | ) /. Simon Tieu Phung '`-.._``-. l l / / | 2024 |''| " \ / / "-..__ | | | | / / 1 Rest ,- t-...J_.' | | / / | In | | J \ /" ( l Piss | | | ().'`-()/ | | | _.-"_.____/ l l.-l _.-"_.+"| / \. \ /"\.-"_.-" | | / \ \ \_ " | | 1 | `'| |ll | | | i | \\\ |-\ \j .. L,,'. `/ __ \\\ ( .-\ .--' ``--../..' '-.. We are Anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget. Expect us, Simon. THE CORRUPT FEAR US Β· THE HONEST SUPPORT US Β· THE HEROIC JOIN US.