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[+] Tristyn Hall Dox

[+] Name: Tristan Hall
[+] Social Media
    [-] Twitter: CutiesHaven (https://twitter.com/CutiesHaven)
    [-] Discord: death#0420 (https://discord.com/invite/Nr6th6u)
    [-] False Claims Instagram 'swatted' (https://www.instagram.com/swatted/)
[+] Phone: (971)-235-2154 (claims is a text now but got it from his grandpa)
[+] Age: 16 
[+] February 4th, 2004
[+] Address: 3920 Blossom Drive NE, Tacoma Washington, 98422
[+] Past Addresses 
    [-] 3116 SE 174th Ave, Portland, OR
    [-] 7914 Duncan Ave S, Seattle Washington
    [-] 12515 Glenwood Ave, Lakewood Washington

[+] Parents
[+] Dad: Richard Allen Hall  
[+] Age: 30's
[+] Phone Numbers (one could be right the rest are old)
    [-] 760-470-5657
    [-] 503-954-1767
    [-] 503-760-6136
[+] Mom: Can't Find Anything, Not Going To Post Fake Shit (Probably Dead)

[+] Grandparents
[+] Karen Lee Hall (Easy To Social Engineer)
[+] Age: 60s
[+] Phone Number
    [-] (503)-760-6136
[+] Address
    [-] 3116 SE 174th Ave, Portland Oregon 

[+] Michael Joe Hall
[+] Age: 60's
[+] Phone Number 
    [-] (503)-760-6136
[+] Address
    [-] 3116 SE 174th Ave, Portland Oregon 

[+] Associated People And Relatives 
Margret Lavonne Hall - (503)-669-3693, (503)-263-3955
Michael J Hall - 1497 Mesa Ave, Eugene Oregon
Karlee Elizabeth Hall - 114 Sackett Hall, Corvallis Oregon 
Barbara Sue Richardson - PO Box 602, Sweet Home Oregon, (514)-818-0314
Misti Renee Smith - 12203 NE 163rd St, Brush Prairie Washington, (503)-760-6136

[+] Extra About Tristyn: He Talks To Every E-Girl He Comes Across, Claims He Is An 'OG' In The Comm But He Only Talks About 'Syntax'.

[+] Pics
House: https://www.redfin.com/WA/Tacoma/3920-Blossom-Dr-NE-98422/home/2991795
Tristyn Hall: https://imgur.com/a/vAvi9I4
Tristyn Scared: https://imgur.com/a/YLv8Aqr
House: https://www.redfin.com/WA/Tacoma/3920-Blossom-Dr-NE-98422/home/2991795

[+] Reason For Dox: Talking To Fat E-Whores, Trying To Dox Ecasm #GoreOnTop

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