                                              | $$    
 /$$  /$$  /$$  /$$$$$$  /$$   /$$  /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$  
| $$ | $$ | $$ /$$__  $$| $$  | $$ /$$_____/|_  $$_/  
| $$ | $$ | $$| $$  \__/| $$  | $$|  $$$$$$   | $$    
| $$ | $$ | $$| $$      | $$  | $$ \____  $$  | $$ /$$
|  $$$$$/$$$$/| $$      |  $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$/  |  $$$$/
 \_____/\___/ |__/       \______/ |_______/    \___/ 
0x01 - reason doxed
0x02 - all info

0x01 - reason doxed: retarded fuck. also faithful staff.

Fullname: Josua Leier
Age: 16
Nationality: FINNISH
IGN: Wrust
Alias: Tamys yungSISTER, FizMD_, UnknownFiz, xFizPvP and Lasuriblock03

Kenno Leier
Liivi Leier
Kalev Leier
Kristo Leier
Johanna Adeele Leier
Jana Leier
Vallo Leier
Taavi Leier
Hannes Leier
Jaanus Leier
Mairo Leier
Mairon Leier
Henrik Leier
Kevin-Eric Leier

funny video of him LOL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWvp7dCVXYE
do you like that cum from your daddys dick? https://gyazo.com/2fb557b551ee6a7e45f5f9a558268893
it looks like you transgender, or a ugly fucking girl: https://gyazo.com/3f98305566b33148cd5ffaa647f3caef
fucking gay shit lol.