Reason The fall of the supposed "opsec genius" ╠───────────────────────────────────────────╣ ↳ Name: Jose M. Hunt ↳ Address: 345 Cessna Drive Huntington, IN 46750 ↳ SSN: 305-80-XXXX - sources from dataleaks ↳ Phone: 260-359-3739 ↳ Phone Info: AT&T ↳ Birth date: April 27, 2005 ↳ Passwords: shi7ueCieng - 7@wHTEbB4&n@XN$c1VKo! - y5OS#*rH3S83w&M*18FqA - ZAk20R8A#7!y9yX8nwepA ↳ Card info: Visa 4539 1251 8335 6713 Expires 2/2024 CVV 9-- ↳ Emails: ╠───────────────────────────────────────────╣ a small dox but gets all the basic info no fillers