WottLadd AKA " Alex" 
Reason for Doc: Demoted WackAsFrick on verix pvp. ( Got fired from churro stand ) ( Also he doxed my nigga BaseZ) I think he killed him too because the nigga never came back  from offline in discord.
Full Goverenment Name: Alex WoodWorth. 
ip adress : 69.1321.1231.11.LOL 

IRL : https://gyazo.com/93e1d88238795b7c9628680b7283a68e

IRL : https://gyazo.com/96c4bbefc5aa4b9386e82ce1c13c4554

Work Place : https://gyazo.com/0281a1b738f5cb868923d608e206ef5f ( he got fired btw ) :clown: 

Region : -- Nether corner ( He got it at SOTW ) 

 Austrailia https://gyazo.com/b346207a6941839038758d91a0eab44b

Adress ( Feel free to send him some churros ) : 11 kellys esp northwood sydney

LOL doxed by : WackAFrick, Basil Zimba, FrankTheMaster, Moh4te, LuckyBullit , Bonitic, Dqbbing.

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