_    _                          _____  _                    _       ______       _  _  ______                                                 7/11/23
| |  | |                 ___    /  ___|| |                  (_)      |  ___|     | || | |  _  \           
| |  | |  ___   _ __    ( _ )   \ `--. | |__    __ _  _ __   _  ___  | |_  _   _ | || | | | | | ___ __  __
| |/\| | / _ \ | '_ \   / _ \/\  `--. \| '_ \  / _` || '_ \ | |/ __| |  _|| | | || || | | | | |/ _ \\ \/ /
\  /\  /| (_) || | | | | (_>  < /\__/ /| | | || (_| || | | || |\__ \ | |  | |_| || || | | |/ /| (_) |>  < 
 \/  \/  \___/ |_| |_|  \___/\/ \____/ |_| |_| \__,_||_| |_||_||___/ \_|   \__,_||_||_| |___/  \___//_/\_\
 by Oxy/wasted                                                                                made with <3                                                                                                         

Introduction Before We Begin.

This is the downfall of a great friend ship between 3 people who were friends for years, but one was bullied out of the friend group for no reason and decided to take revenge.
Enjoy the information and do what you will with the information, I could care less for them anymore I'm fed up with their bullshit and toxicity. 


Lets start off with Won first
┠︱#0x1.........Reason              ︱┨
┠︱##0x2........Info                ︱┨
┠︱###0x3.......Familiy Info        ︱┨
┠︱####0x4......Screenshots         ︱┨


︱┠Manipulative, Toxic, Mentally ill, Narcissistic, a bully, and cringe. Thinks hes a hacker for having wireshark and VMWare Installed. Biggest piece of shit I personally ever met  ┨︱
︱┠Avoid at all cost, will try to make friends with you then become a huge dick in the future.                                                                                       ┨︱


Full Name | Jonah (Last Name Unknown atm)

State     | Missouri

City      | Kansas City

Height    | 5'9

Age       | 15 (to keep paste up. real age -1)

Discord   | sexychild

Vrchat    | Sliced Frenulum

Snapchat  | jonycoopet

Xbox      | Mrwonkier

Now Its Time for Shanis
┠︱#0x1.........Reason              ︱┨
┠︱##0x2........Info                ︱┨
┠︱###0x3.......Familiy Info        ︱┨
┠︱####0x4......Screenshots         ︱┨



Talks shit behind friends. Thats about it.

Full Name | Shawn Douglas Mcintosh

City      | Booneville

State     | Kentucky

Height    | 5'7-5'10

Age       | 16

Discord   | Shanis_

Vrchat    | Shanis

Snapchat  | Unknown


Fatass bitch who likes to be annoying and talk shit to people she doesnt even know for no apparent reason.


Name      | Macklind Mcintosh

City      | Booneville

State     | Kentucky

Height    | 5'3-5'6

Discord   | Unknown

Vrchat    | Doesnt have

Snapchat  | Unknown

Working on getting ip and address info for both people. will update dox in the future once i get the right information. I know all that I put in the dox is accurate as of 7/11/23.

