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        [+] Main target : Escape Depression
        [+] Reason : Lonelyness
        [+] Full Name : *Censored* Wildner
        [+] Gender : male
        [+] Age : 17
        [+] DOB : 14/08/2007

        [+] Weight : around 71kg
        [+] Height : around 185cm

        [+] City : Schleswig-Holstein - Kreis Pinneberg
        [+] Post Code : 25462
	[+] Socials : Discord
	[+] Accounts : Paws The Freaky One | Xnr2	
	[+] Deleted Account : Sara <-- used to make him hate and destroy
	[+] Deleted Account : Zero <--- fake acc to make him get liked

Writer : Paws Himself. tired of friends hating on him