(info) The guy exploits girls and women and has fucked up many people relationships to his on deeds, He does it for fun and has hopped between countless women and tries to pay them to do messed up shit including a 12 yr that he dated at 15 and made openly hopped girls as its "fun to". He's fucked with women over 18 some even engaged and has ruined peoples relationships cause of it. He's a spoiled playboy that needs to pay to keep his women and fucks up peoples lives for fun. Apparently he got rapped and lost his family but im not sure how real that is as far as it goes. Help humble this bitch Here's the dox I have on him: Zip code: L4N 0W6 Phone: 7055009445 Full name: Kevin Rai - Zungiga age: 15 Country: Canada Address: 83 Sproule Drive, Barrie, ON Coordinates: (44.3763812, -79.7265135) discord: .moonlight_sonata. discord user id: 1117629188770365460