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                                                          88'  YP d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88 d8' `8b 888o  88 `~~88~~' 88   88 d8' `8b 
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                                                          db   8D 88   88 88  88  88 88   88 88  V888    88    88   88 88   88 
                                                          `8888Y' YP   YP YP  YP  YP YP   YP VP   V8P    YP    YP   YP YP   YP 
                                                                         .d8b.  d8888b.  .d8b.  .88b  d88. .d8888.                           
                                                                        d8' `8b 88  `8D d8' `8b 88'YbdP`88 88'  YP                           
                                                                        88ooo88 88   88 88ooo88 88  88  88 `8bo.                             
                                                                        88~~~88 88   88 88~~~88 88  88  88   `Y8b.                           
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                                                                        YP   YP Y8888D' YP   YP YP  YP  YP `8888Y'                           

                                                  ⎈   ; Abusing her 2 year old child, screaming and hitting him up to 6-8 times
                                                         With her hand, screaming at him because he is yelling.
                                                  ⎈   ; Being Highly Manipulative and to beg and thirst trap for money, Meth, or both.

                                                  ⎈   ; Having the most ample time and opportunity to get a job, currently unemployed living off
                                                         Section 8 and her confidants, friends, and sugar daddy's to give her cash. (Unfinancially fit to raise kids)

                                                  ⎈   ; Basic lack of respect or morals to others, she will blame everything on everyone but herself.                                                     
                                                  ⎈   ; To get a CPS case on this dumb bitch, she would fail a piss test if she took one until Wednesday. 
                                                               (But considering her she is going to do more due to stress)

                                                  ⎈   ; Backstabbing her fellow friends, shit-talking them behind their back in ways that go
                                                        farther than basic banter or venting. Serious allegations that weren't true. 
                                                   ⎈   ;  LOCAL PD // Olney Police Department     
                                                                     Phone Number // (618) 395-8481
                                                                     Address //  320 S Whittle Ave, Olney, IL 62450
                                                                     ⎈   ;  LOCAL DCFS (CPS) Office // Olney Police Department  (make a case if you want to, make sure to say a piss test is needed not mouth )
                                                                                 Phone Number // (618) 393-2979
                                                                                 Address //  1408 Martin St, Olney, IL 62450  

                                                       ⎈   ; First Name // Samantha
                                                       ⎈   ; Last Name // Adams
                                                       ⎈   ; Age // 24 / April 
                                                       ⎈   ; Photos // https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911800330914766878/962861933004988526/unknown.png  
                                                       ⎈   ; Height // 5'4
                                                       ⎈   ; Weight // Approx. 165 lbs. 
                                                       ⎈   ; Complexion // White
                                                       ⎈   ; Ethnicity // White
                                                       ⎈   ; Eye Color // Blue
                                                       ⎈   ; Hair Color // Brown
                                                       ⎈   ; IP // (N/a [Bitch cant afford WIFI LMAO])
                                                       ⎈   ; Phone Number // +1 (618) 354-1883
                                                       ⎈   ; Snapchat // Sammmybabyy22 [Shit name]
                                                       ⎈   ; Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057775115873 (Tell her friends about her :) ) [May not be on for long, being mass reported]
                                                       ⎈   ; Children  
                                                                // Ty Allen (Brandon's Kid / 4 Months Old / Father is in jail ) -                             
                                                                // Seger Dale (Father name unknown / financially stable / 2 Years Old The one who is being abused )  - 
                                                                // Isabella Rain (Doesn't live with her, completely neglects her as a emotional support / off with her dad)
                                                           ⎈   ; Home Coord's // 38°44'18.3"N  = 88°05'58.3"W
                                                                ⎈   ; Apartment // Olney Park Apartment's (Section 8 Living lol)
                                                                ⎈   ; Monthly Rent // $150.00 (And this bitch begs for rent to everyone and cant afford a tiny fucking rent payment)
                                                                ⎈   ; Complex Phone Number // 618-544-8645 (Send them some noise complaints about her)
                                                                ⎈   ; Apartment Details // 1.5 bed / 1 bath house, approx. 600 sqft, Barely any food, living single with 2 children / Top Right Of the building
                                                                        is her apartment, 
                                                                ⎈   ;  Address // 1008 W Parker St, Olney IL, 62450 (First building, top floor left door) [I wish I knew the number]
                                                                ⎈   ;  Photo's // https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/911800330914766878/962873955214065684/unknown.png

                                                                        __            __             
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                                                                                 /                /  

                                                   ⎈   ; First Name // Brandon 
                                                   ⎈   ; Last Name // Berry
                                                   ⎈   ; Age // 30
                                                   ⎈   ; Phone Number // N/a (Nigga is in prison kek)
                                                   ⎈   ; Corrections Facility // Branchville Correctional Facility
                                                   ⎈   ; Prison Address // 21390 Old State Rd 37, Branchville, IN 47514
                                                   ⎈   ; Prison Phone Number // (812) 843-5921



                                  ==============PATERNITY OF TY ALLEN==============
                                  ⎈   ; Case Number	26C01-2203-JP-000055
                                  ⎈   ;    Court	Gibson Circuit Court
                                  ⎈   ;    Type	JP - Juvenile Paternity
                                  ⎈   ;    Filed	03/18/2022
                                  ⎈   ;   Status	03/18/2022 , Pending  (active) 
                                 ============== Parties to the Case==============

                                ⎈   ;   Respondent //	Berry, Brandon A
                                ⎈   ;  State Petitioner //	State of Indiana
                                ⎈   ;    Petitioner //	Adams, Samantha R
                                ⎈   ;  Child //	Adams, Ty A
                                     > Attorney: Melissa Gail Alexander                                               
                                     >  Attorney Address // 225 North Hart Street - Suite 002 - Princeton, IN 47670
                                     >  Attorney phone 812-385-5497                  

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  \/______/     |oo|                        By Grey. / Theme inspired by Cherry's Layout . 
        |   o   |o/                       