Region: United Kingdom
Capitol: London
State: Northamptonshire
City Location: Wellingborough
ISP: Tiscali UK Limited

Name: Max
Age: 15
Leader of a shitty not real cop squadon on discord!
His fake badge code is 1C-97
He's surely on support coach
He is obsessed with roleplaying
He's always active until I shut his wifi down.
His streams are shitty quality content that will go offline when I ddos him.
He owns to many awful servers 15 to be exact.
He chooses cringy bad admins.
He has weird friends that are furries that Im'a hack.
He plays furry music.
He has bad autistic anger issues.
He lost the love of his life 2 and a half weeks ago because he is a predator lol.
He gets very emotional to utter bullshit.
he over-shares his thoughts with strangers.
In his words he's the most trustworthy person most people have met which we all know that's not true.
Gender: Male
Fake cop name: 1C-97 | Happy Flareon#4544
Region: UK
Active/inactive: Active until I ddos him
Capabilitie(s): sorting out the fake Squadron members 
Strength(s): anger, porn, predator, threatening people
Weakness(s): everything else
Police cruiser(s): Not saying this because he's a poor brit with no $$$
Gender: Male 
Motto: to make girls do porn with him
Language(s): english but is a brit
Weapon(s): none because he is weak af.
Partner(s): elite and 2C-47 which might be ddosed as well
Apprentice(s): none lol
Trainee(s): none lol