
➤ Full name: Tadas Kamaitis
➤ Age: 15
➤ Date of Birth: who cares

                Location and additional info:

➤ Country: Lithuania
➤ City: Vilnius
➤ Address: Minties gatvė Vilnius Lithuania
 ➣ Exact location: 54.703991, 25.300588
➤ School: Vilniaus šv. Kristoforo 
 ➣ School website: https://www.kristoforopro.lt

              Possibly his family members:

➤ Jolanta Kamaitiene "The mother probably"
 ➣ https://www.facebook.com/1221423626/
➤ Eglė Zimaitytė "Family member"
 ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1399444339/
➤ Mantas Kamaitis "His sibling"
 ➣ https://www.facebook.com/100007885175176/

➤Titas Brk
 ➣ Instagram: https://instagram.com/titasbrk
 ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100036074078388/
➤ Yamauchi Wataru (tf is this name?????)
 ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100027432345630/ (it has a lot about him on this account)

➤ Tomas Gk
 ➣ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100036943595611/
 ➣ Instagram: https://instagram.com/tomel.io
➤ Ramon Gerassimov (Perviously doxxed)
➤ Marin Alexandru (Previously doxxed)
(Check my profile if u wanna see their dox)


➤ Discord + ID:  Saturn#5442 - 327512078287896586
➤ Instagram: https://instagram.com/tadas430
➤ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/100024829717655/
➤ Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198452435865
➤ Snapchat: tadaskm

Reason of the dox: Big loser fr, unfunny teenager, toxic mf ????
Baby wake up Necromancer101 just dropped another dox
Yeah here's a fine dox document of some internet teenager who lately been a very bad person ong his mom needs to teach him some manners what a loser imagine getting doxxed
Enjoy reading all of that, I also would like that u spam their dms with this doxbin or prob hack him idk u do u 
I'll post another one soon 