[THIS IS AN UPDATED VERSION OF THIS DOX -> https://doxbin.org/upload/MMorshidi <-]

Reason of Dox: User saying rape and weird comments to other users in YouTube (http://prntscr.com/rd2a27), as well supposed of 
harassing other people on the site.

[Main Info]
Name: MO Morshidi
Aliases: The Game Skiner, Michael the Hedgehog, Momasonic1
Birthday: November 16
Location: Port Said, Egypt
Relatives: Mahmoud Morshidi (Brother)
Gender: Male
IP: Unknown
Phone: Unknown

[His Social Media]
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQn9MROVOUX9BQbyQRt3wA
Twitter (Where this fucker is often depressed): http://twitter.com/momasonic1
2nd Twitter account: http://twitter.com/thegameskiner
Facebook (For his GTA shit): http://www.facebook.com/thegameskineralive
Facebook (Personal): http://www.facebook.com/mo.morshidi

[His Brother's Media]
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUhSjgilPPojdyyT_JXHTg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mahmoud.morshidi.16
Instagram (Private): @mahmoud_morshidi

If anyone has more info leave it on the comments.