Reasoning -
1. Being weird towards females on twitter
2. Trying to get someone to get him into USA for unknown reasons
3. Doxxing his own friends and telling there private info online when asked to take it down

To request a Dox or Osint Investigation Dm me
Telegram - @DedSecOrg
Discord - noahbinz#6662
Instagram - Hugoschroder1989

Target Name - Prophet Tokpah
Age - 18
Location - Kakata, Liberia
School - Kakata art school 
Et' Tone Quadem Inre
Class of 2020/21
Target Contact info -
Email -
Number - +231776528016
DOB - 13/04/2004
Family/Freinds - 
Moses Retreat Flomo
Facebook - mosesr.flomo
Number - +231778079295
Usernames - 
Twitter -
Other Info -
Wants to goto USA for studding
Willing to talk to anyone 
alot of info is online
Looking for logo maker