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Day 1: the target I doxxed secretly, has been really bold in fucking with me, pointing fingers, and acting like an autistic faggot.
The administration of the school has been pretty suspicious of my actions and has started to speak out to me about it. Luckily, I have stayed chill
and made sure no one has been aware that I'm behind this scheme. no one knows other than you guys, and i am hoping we can all get along in this
Since Christmas is coming up, I might as well not be online for the break. I'll keep you guys updated by the time it has ended.
Back to what i was talking about. I have been monitoring her and making sure she doesn't get suspicious of me. I also have been journaling on 
what I want from her. Here it is;

What I want
her to shut her faggot mouth
make sure she doesn't tell anyone about me
(pushing limits) maybe ask her for money, I'm pretty broke lol
lastly, for her to speak to me about why she has been a bitch.
For now, I'm going to stay anonymous, and try and manipulate her for my gain. Keeping you guys updated, Peace


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