@echo off mode con cols=65 lines=32 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion color 0a title Login Program :start1 cls echo Input a number and press enter... echo. echo 1) Login echo 2) Create New Account set /p loginx1=">> " if not %loginx1% leq 2 goto start1 if %loginx1% equ 1 goto login echo What do you want your username to be? set /p username1=">>> " set v1f=0 :findspaces set x=!v1f! set Letter%v1f%=!username1:~%x%,1! if "!Letter%v1f%!" equ " " ( echo. echo. echo Sorry, no spaces allowed in your username... pause >nul goto start1 ) if NOT "!Letter%v1f%!" equ "" ( set /a v1f=%v1f%+1 goto findspaces ) echo What do you want your password to be? set /p password1=">>> " goto save :login cls set /p name1=Username: if not exist "%name1%.bat" ( echo Invalid Username... pause >nul goto start1 ) set /p pass1=Password: call %name1%.bat if not %password1% equ %pass1% ( echo Invalid Password pause >nul goto start1 ) goto menu :save ( echo set username1=%username1% echo set password1=%password1% )>%username1%.bat goto start1 :menu echo Logged in! pause >nul title ::Leakzzy's Pinger:: echo off & cls color 0a echo _________________0 echo ________________00 echo _______________0000 echo ___0__________000000___________0 echo ___00_________000000___________0 echo ____0000______000000__________00 echo ____000000____0000000_____00000 echo _0_____0000000_000000_00000000_____0 echo _00______000000_00000_0000000_____00 echo _0000_____000000_000_000000_____0000 echo __000000000__0000_0_000_0_000000000 echo ____000000000__0_0_0_00000000000 echo ________000000000000000000000 echo ______________000_0_0000 echo ____________00000_0__00000 echo __________00_______0_______00 echo ____________________0 echo ================== echo Leakzzy_YT Pinger v420 echo ================== set /p IP=ENTER THE FAGS IP:: :top PING -n 1 %IP% | FIND "TTL=" title ::Made By Leakzzy_YT:: ~Pinging:%IP%~ IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (SET in=0c & echo Slammed By Leakzzy YT.) color %in% ping -t 2 0 10 >nul GoTo top