Before we get into this doxx, and dig into this faggots personal information. Let's see who's retarded now Specuulas.

Here I introduce to you  a faggot, who insults dying children or ill children who have cancer, and other diseases. Not only does he pretend to have cancer, but he's also heavily racist (says The N word at least 20)
Times a day when this faggot is white asf let's see if your going to be some tough racist now boy.

Doxxing this guy took a day, credits to e21.
Time to dig into the racists Info.

= Reason for DOX: Racist, Pretends to have cancer, Stealing from people, Chatting shit.

----- About -----
Full Name: Speculaas Pakhuis
Age: 16
Main Usernames:Kostanaw2, WayF
Home Address:Gezellenhof 11, 1315 EB Almere
City: Almelo, flaveland netherlands
Country: Netherlands Europe

----- Relatives -----
Mom: Lotte Boswerger
Social Media?:

Dad Renske Boswerger
Social Media?:

----- Occupancy -----
Persons Job: Doesn't work

Dads Job:Rij-instructrice

----- Education -----
School: Alemo Zone College 
Address:Bornerbroeksestraat348 7609 PH Almelo
Telephone Number:(088) 26 20 900

----- Photos -----
Photo of house:
Photo of school

----- ISP Information -----
IP Address:
Location: Almelo
Latitude & Longitude:52.2772- Lattitude, 4.74713- Longitude
ISP:Vodafone Libertel B.V.
Domain: Ziggo BL

----- Other -----
Ex Not known.

Additional Information
Shouldn't have insulted children with cancer you piece of shit.