___ _ _ _ / __| _| |__ __ _ _ _ _ __(_)_ _ __ _| |_ ___ ___ | (_| || | '_ \/ _` | ' \| '_ \ | '_/ _` | _/ -_|_-< \___\_,_|_.__/\__,_|_||_| .__/_|_| \__,_|\__\___/__/ |_| ------------------------------------------------------- Reason: Being a cringy script kiddie acting tough against the cuban pirates Claiming to be undoxxeble ---------------edit------------------ wavetecrr just "doxxed me" LMFAO bro said my name was mutahar anas he thinks im someordinarygamer or something https://sites.google.com/view/wavetecrr/the-incident-saga/pac0z-doxxed?authuser=0 my dox totally man There isnt even a country lmfao only my "name" in my discord bio lmfao ------------------------------------- _ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ __ _| | | '_ \/ -_) '_(_-