               ││              -Sebastian Metzger-             ││
               ││           coming with the exit paste         ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││   0x0 - reason for paste                     ││
               ││   0x1 - introducing                          ││
               ││                                              ││
               ││      0x2 - screenshots                       ││
               ││      0x3 - personal info                     ││
               ││      0x4 - exit / so                         ││
               ││                                              ││
┼┼─────────────┼┼─          0x0 - reason for paste            ─┼┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││    The first reason of pasting this dox is his overall attitude            ││
││    having such an extreme dumb head and an huge ego                        ││
││    literally thinking of running an e-girl and destroying their lifestyle  ││
││    by leaking pictures and personal information                            ││
││    we also have enough proof that he only wants to have an girlfriend to   ││
││    have sex with him or doing anything else that's some nasty shit         ││
││    if she does simply not even want to have sex he will just               ││
││    end the relationship with her.                                          ││  
││                                                                            ││    
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼               0x1 - introducing                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││    First off I want to make clear that his mind is even worse              ││
││    then an absolute psycho, having the mindset of                          ││
││    making an girl cut herself because of you and it will 100%              ││
││    make you feel good disgusting person, also thinking its good            ││
││    to talk mad dirty against other e-girls even when he had a girlfriend.  ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                0x2 - screenshots               ┼─────────────┼┼──────────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼                                 ││
││                                                                                                ││
││    x on the way to e-girl's / http://i.prntscr.com/fz2f7-m8Sti5m5XU6UHoHg.png                  ││
││    x asking a girl to randomly fuck / http://i.prntscr.com/JXvmULEIRdS0tTnytX8giA.png          ││
││    x breaking up with his gf / http://i.prntscr.com/0ogz_nHgTjmYtmTHgGZGwg.png                 ││
││    x asking for pussy in the relation / http://i.prntscr.com/HjwAYK_KTQ2lajXEvPYRFw.png        ││
││    x liking a girl cut herself + leaking / http://i.prntscr.com/Y0mKHl8PTBOisLTeMj8wAA.png     ││
││    x his group coming back as doxers clown / http://i.prntscr.com/zrfg1HN9RPalNO_4nyfBdA.png   ││
││    x last the man himself / http://i.prntscr.com/qe0MABQkTI_mQ6n0mZTorg.png                    ││
││    x lil fanart / http://i.prntscr.com/YQxVVVChSqC1-NTvBF33zw.png                              ││
││    x lilv2 fanart / http://i.prntscr.com/yePVcBkVR0eOxUyYIi98PA.png                            ││
││    x old picture / http://i.prntscr.com/HvMfCMkeRMuGMJz1vWrlMQ.png                             ││
││                                                                                                ││
│┼──────info about the screenshots────────────────────────────────────────────┼┼──────────────────┼┼
││                                                                            ││
││    all information is real, I can provide full proof of all info           ││
││    we got so many screenshots its not even normal in this case             ││
││    disgusting person in overall and only wants sex and other nasty stuff   ││
││    if he keeps talking shit we will update this with over                  ││
││    easy 200mb of chats. 50+ screenshots and voice recordings.              ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼             0x3 - personal info                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││   x name: Sebastian Metzger                                                ││
││   x age:  17, almost 18                                                    ││
││   x discord: Usotsuki#0505 / 418508386003582976                            ││
││   x number: +31 06 30 39 52 02                                             ││
││   x ip:                                                     ││
││   x adres: Noorder Leidsevaart 14                                          ││
││   x postal code: 2182 NA Hillegom                                          ││
││   x house size: 47 m2 wonen 230 m2 perceel                                 ││
││   x house price: € 205.000 - 227.000                                       ││
││   x email: sebastian.metzger.nl@gmail.com                                  ││
││   x job: Albert Heijn Hillegom / +31 252 529 278                           ││
││   x mc account: https://namemc.com/profile/Wastii.5                        ││
││                                                                            ││
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
┼┼─────────────┼                 0x4 - exit / so                ┼─────────────┼┼
││             ┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┼             ││
││                                                                            ││
││     First off, I'm not going to insert all parents stuff                   ││
││     jobs, numbers, pictures and even more.                                 ││
││     Its not against the parents but will keep on updating if this gets     ││
││     shit talked allot, if you want to repost it but give reps.             ││
││                                                                            ││
││                                                                            ││
││   x font: https://doxbin.org/user/Ty                                       ││
││   x info: OTF squad, and some other people.                                ││
││                                                                            ││