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0x01: Introduction
Ox02: Personal Information 
0x03: Family  
0x04: Random Fact 
0x01: Introduction
Victim: Warvan / _9b9t_
By: Soytomo 
Reason : Being a pedophile and a Hydra opp  , Warvan once said "I wish Sumu could sit on my face" 
Sumu is a 14 Year Old
Extra Info: Before  anyone says " His dox was public" no one had this guys address 
Ox02: Personal Information 
Name:  Nathan  Collinsworth 
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/WCPnPxI https://imgur.com/a/NSOkCEj  https://imgur.com/a/rr6Y9x7
Address: 315 Beam Hill Rd Freeville NY
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/ncollinsworth4/ snapchat: ncollinsworth4 
School:   Manlius Pebble Hill School , 5300 Jamesville Rd Syracuse, NY 13214-2499 (Graduated in 2019)
Warvan Lived with his cousins for a time to be closer to the school 

0x03: Family 
| Uncle  : Troy Collinsworth                                          |
|Auntie  : Rhiannon Collinsworth                                      |
|Social Media : https://twitter.com/troyc                             | 
|Address: 75 Sleepy Hollow Ln Rochester, NY 14618                     |
| Landlines:  (585) 298-9794                                          |
| Cousin: Carwyn  Collinsworth                                        |                                  
|  Email: carwyncollinsworth@gmail.com                                | 
|Address: 75 Sleepy Hollow Ln Rochester, NY 14618                     |
| Picture: https://imgur.com/a/ZeRDrSy                                |
| Number:  +1 585 298 9794                                            | 
|  School: Stony Brook University                                     |
|Website : http://carwyncollinsworth.com/ (Not secure)                |
| Mother: Laurie J   Collinsworth                                     |                                  
|Address: 315 Beam Hill Rd Freeville NY                               |
|Landline: (607)  844-9730                                            |                  
0x04: Random Fact 
Warvan is surprisingly  good at cross country 
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